Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Report on the Validity of a Thesis for Defense

     From : - 2021/09/08 م , To : - 2025/09/13 م

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    Title of the Request

    Please enter the title of the request

    Data of the Examiner

    * Full Name

    Full Name of the Examiner


    * Department

    * Major

    * Academic Rank

    Data of the Student

    * Full Name of the Student

    * Student's University Number

    * Stage

    * Student's Department

    * Major

    * Title of the Thesis

     Supervisor of the Thesis

    Report on the Validity of a Thesis

    * Validity of the Thesis for Defense

     Reasons for the Invalidity of the Thesis for Defense

    * Proposed Day for the Defense of the Thesis

    * Proposed Date for the Defense of the Thesis

    * Proposed Time for the Defense of the Thesis

    Acknowledgement of the correctness of the data
