Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Message from the Department Head

- 2018/10/18



Civil engineering is deemed to be the oldest, most beneficial, and the science to which Man has always attached paramount importance.   We'll not be going far from the truth if we dub civil engineering "the mother of engineering specialties". It should come as no surprise, as such, that the civil engineer, in some countries, is called: the comprehensive engineer. Engineering, moreover, used to be divided into two types only: civil engineering, and military engineering. Indeed, there are many grounds to justify this; for many, it is fair enough. One reason is that engineering students (especially undergraduates) receive intense knowledge in numerous engineering branches and sciences. As a result, civil engineering students usually have a greater degree of awareness of the various engineering specialties (or, at least, of the basics and fundamentals thereof). Even after finishing university study, and getting involved in developing their career (in the public or private sectors), civil engineers find themselves still required to keep abreast of a wide array of areas of knowledge to be able to best assume their responsibilities. No wonder, then, management of construction projects is most often assigned to civil engineers.
Hence, a very simplistic definition of civil engineering could be: the science of everything having to do with the city and civilization. In other words, it is the science of all human civil work. A more detailed definition could be: a branch of engineering that focuses on the city, its dwellers, and all civil work going on in it (construction, road works, water and sanitation networks, etc.) Civil engineering, thus defined, is the science relevant to all phases of such kinds of work: starting form planning and studies, through to implementation (construction), and finally maintenance and operation.
And it has been observed that, in recognition of civil engineering, its experts and specialists, leading positions and roles are often undertaken by civil engineers, not only in KSA, but across the world. This could be viewed as a recognition of the unparalleled importance of civil engineering as one of the core engineering specialties. This testifies, also, the confidence entrusted in civil engineers, given their vast knowledge, and impressive skills..
Dr. Muhammad H. Elwi
            Head of the Department of Civil Engineering            