Under the auspices of the Dean of Al-Leith University College, Dr. Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Maliki, the Department of English Language at Al-Leith University College organized a course entitled, "The United States of America: An Overview of Its History, Civilization, and Cultural Heritage", on Tuesday, 24 Jumada Al-Thani, 1441 A.H., in hall 2 of building no. 2. The course was supervised by Prof. Hassan Muhammadi.
The course focused on the following points:
- Informing students about the historical and cultural aspects of the United States of America, including major events, wars, cultural heritage, and societal behaviors.
- Deepening students' understanding of some literary curricula, such as novels, plays and poetry related to some of the country's historical and civilizational stages.
- Helping students who wish to obtain a scholarship to the United States of America better understand all components of American society.