Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

College of Education Participates in Activating an Initiative Entitled 'Working Together to Make Our University Free from Smoking'

Achievements , Participations ,
Added on - 2018/11/23  |  اخر تعديل - 2018/11/23

As part of the initiative entitled "Working Together to Make our University Free from Smoking", which was initiated by Umm Al-Qura University through a joint agreement with the Kafa Society for Raising Awareness about the Dangers of Smoking and Drugs, the College of Education hosted the Anti-Smoking and Anti-Drugs Committee on Thursday, 22 November, 1440 A.H. at the College's premises. His Excellency the Dean of the College, Dr. Ali Al-Matrafi, welcomed the Head of the Committee, Dr. Mash`al Al-Salami; the honorable members of the Committee, Dr. Sa`id Al-Halawani and Dr. Walid Al-Maliki; and Mr. Muhammad Al-Huli, a representative of the Kafa Association. The initiative was also attended by all the administrative leaders, including the College's Vice-Deans and Heads of the Departments.

The meeting started with an introductory video presentation about the Committee and its objectives. The attendees then discussed the objectives, procedures, needs, and requirements that would contribute to fulfilling the desired aspirations, and making the initiative successful. The meeting was marked by fruitful participation and suggestions that reflected the leading role performed by the College of Education in devising educational methods of enforcing and implementing disciplinary regulations and rules. This is particularly important when the targeted category in this regard is the students.

The attendees agreed to coordinate with each other in order to continue joint work in the first-phase of the plan, which will focus on intensive awareness campaigns that will adopt the different methods proposed.

At the end of the meeting, His Excellency Dr. Ali Al-Matrafi thanked the honorable Committee for starting its work at the College of Education, who will provide their full support for this project, Allah willing. He also thanked His Excellency the UQU's President, Dr. Abdullah bin Omar Bafail, for the support and attention he provides to everything that has the potential of upgrading the University, and its students and staff.
