جامعة أم القرى

جامعة أم القرى

UQUDent Research Request Form

     من : - 2021/02/20 م , إلى : - 2030/02/12 م

توجد نسخة محفوطة من النموذج .. لا تنس إرسال النموذج بعد الانتهاء من إكمال كافة الحقول المطلوبة لمسح النسخة المحفوظة. اضغط هنا

    الموضوع المختصر

    فضلاً أدخل موضوع مختصر

    UQUDent Research Request Form

    * Research title

    * The research type

    * Research Proposal

    Including the methodology (PDF or Word)

    الامتدادات المسموح بها : csv, doc, docx, pdf, ppt, pptx, ppsx, txt, xls, xlsx
    الحجم المسموح به : 1024

    * The institutional review board letter (IRB) / Ethical Approval

    , PDF please. In case no IRB approval is required please submit the decision letter.,

    الامتدادات المسموح بها : csv, doc, docx, pdf, ppt, pptx, ppsx, txt, xls, xlsx
    الحجم المسموح به : 1024

    * The Name of the Principle Investigator

    in English please

    * Is there anyone of the Authors works at Umm Al Qura University - Faculty of Dentistry

    If Yes please Specify Him/ Her in the next box

    * Co Authors

    for example 1-.............. 2-.........* works at UQU- Faculty of Dentistry 3-.........

    * Supervisor's Name

    In English please

     Which Machine/s or device do you need to use ?

    Applicant's Information

    * Applicant's name

    * Applicant's Email

     Applicant's Mobile number


    * Applicant's Position/ Place of work/ University/ College

    for example: Student/Umm Al Qura University/ Faculty of Medicine or Periodontist/ King Faisal Hospital/ Ministry of Health etc.


    I agree to the terms of use which mandates aknowledging UQUDent research lab in the publication and/or including at least one of UQUDent staff members with a relevant qualification in the study as a participant after fulfilling the required criteria for participation in the publication. Also, i have been informed that UQUDent is not responsible for providing the study with any material and the approval is merely for using the available lab equipments.

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