Dear dental students dental interns, and general dentists. You are all cordially invited to participate in “Digital Dentistry Competition”. The idea for this competition is for each dentist to participate with a case that is managed using the latest technology in the field.
Conditions for participation:
- Participants must be Dental students, Dental Interns, or general dentists.
- The following records are needed and must be prepared in a single PDF file:
1- Name of the competitor, rank (student – intern – general dentist), E-mail, mobile number, and work place or the hospital/ institution where the case was treated at.
2- Patient information (gender – age – medical and dental histories) Brief description of the case.
3- Clear before and after photos .
4- Clear (step by step ) images of treatment procedures and which techniques/ technologies had been used.
- Each competitor can participate only with one case.
- Prepared cases must be sent to the following email with the title (Digital Dentistry Competition) in the “subject” space of the email (any email message without the subject/ different subject will not go through the process of filtration):
- By participating in the competition you agree that any sensitive and / or identifiable patient information (including unaltered extra-oral photos that may lead to recognition of patients’ identities) will not be included in the records.
- Failure to comply with any of the previous conditions will lead to the competitor being disqualified from entry in the competition.
- Cases will be judged by consultants in the field.
- The winning competitor with the best case will be announced at the conference closing ceremony and will receive a prize.