Course Specifications |
a. Civil Engineering Core Courses |
No. |
Course ID |
Course Title |
Course Description |
1 |
4800110-4 |
General Chemistry (1) |
2 |
4031002-4 |
General Physics (2) |
3 |
8002001-4 |
Engineering Mathematics (1) |
The aims of this course are providing the student with good knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and theorems on ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and some effective methods of solutions (Laplace transform). Also, to formulate the mathematical model of the engineering problem from its physical phenomena and then apply the methods of solution to find the real response. Finally, to make the student manipulate complex numbers with confidence; understand geometrically their representation on the Argand diagram including the nth roots of unity, know the polar representation form and be able to apply it. |
4 |
8002002-4 |
Engineering Mathematics (2) |
Engineering Mathematics (2) is a course that introduces the basic concepts, theorems and knowledge of the linear algebra of matrices, special functions, Fourier analysis and partial differential equations. |
5 |
8041102-3 |
Dynamics |
6 |
8041108-2 |
Thermodynamics for CE |
7 |
8042109-3 |
Engineering Statistics and Probability |
8 |
8043401-2 |
Engineering Economy |
9 |
8022006-2 |
Electrical Engineering for Civil Engineers |
10 |
8041101-2 |
Engineering Graphics |
1 |
8031104-2 |
Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) |
This course covers the fundamentals of civil engineering working drawings and their standards. It introduces different elements of reinforced concrete and steel structures. The AutoCAD software is used throughout this course. |
2 |
8031102-3 |
Statics |
Vector analysis of force, Force systems in 2D and 3D, moments and couples, equivalent for system, Equilibrium in 2D and 3D, analysis of structures, Centroids and composite bodies, Distributed force system, friction, area moment of inertia. |
3 |
8032602-3 |
Mechanics of Materials |
Concept of stress and strain, State of stress and strain at a point, Stress–strain relationship. Normal and shear strains. Torsion, Statically indeterminate axially loaded members. Beams shear forces and bending moments relations and diagrams. Combined loading, Stress transformation and principal stresses. Energy method and stability. |
4 |
8033106-3 |
Engineering Computational Methods |
Numbers and their representations - Errors in the calculations – Numerical Methods for solving differential equations of different engineering systems |
5 |
8032202-3 |
Fluid Mechanics |
Introduction to fluid mechanics – Fluid definition – Fluid properties – Fluid statics – Fluid dynamics (flowing fluid and pressure variations) – Control volume approach and continuity equation – The energy equation – Momentum equation. |
6 |
8033204-3 |
Hydraulics |
Introduction to hydraulic engineering – Steady flow in pipes – Special pipe systems and networks – Flow measurements – Flow in open channels – Pumps – Modeling and similitude – Introduction to unsteady flow in pipes. |
7 |
8031402-2 |
Basics of Geology |
Introduction, descriptive and quantitative geology, soil classification, rock identification, geo-hazards and anomalies with geological structures and facies . |
8 |
8033604-3 |
Theory of Structures |
Loads - Reactions - Axial force - Shear - Bending moments - Determinate structures - Trusses, Beams - Frames - Deflection - Energy method. – introduction to indeterminate structures |
9 |
8033606-3 |
Structural Analysis |
Analysis of indeterminate structures - slope deflection - moment distribution - continuous beams - frames - matrix algebra - flexibility - stiffness - analysis using computer. |
10 |
8033610-3 |
Concrete Technology |
Nature of Concrete, Advantages of Concrete. Aggregate Classifications, Properties of Aggregates, Tests on Aggregates. Manufacture of Cement , Portland Cement Compositions, Types of Cement, Hydration of Cement, Specifications and Tests of Portland Cement. Function of Mixing Water, Impurities in Water, Sea water, Tests on Water. Admixtures Definition and Classifications, Chemical Admixtures, Mineral Admixtures, Miscellaneous Admixtures, Effects of Admixtures of Properties of Fresh & Hard Concrete, Blended Cements. Fresh Concrete Properties: Workability, Segregation and Bleeding, Setting Time, Tests on Fresh Concrete. Concrete Manufacturing Practices: Batching and Mixing of Concrete, Transportation of Concrete, Placing of Concrete, Finishing of Concrete, Curing of Concrete. Hot weather Concreting, Formwork for Concrete, Inspection of Concrete. Hardened Concrete Properties: Strength, Tests of Hardened Concrete. |
11 |
8033608-2 |
Building Materials |
Use of different building materials including concrete blocks and bricks, steel, aluminum, wood, and other newly developed and generated materials. Inspection and supervision of building |
12 |
8031802-3 |
Plane Surveying |
Units – Map scales - Distance measurements - Distance measurements by tape – Electronic distance measurements (EDM) - Area calculations - Leveling and instruments - Profile and cross section leveling, and errors in leveling - Contour Maps - Volume calculation and mass diagram - Direction and azimuth of lines - Horizontal and vertical angles measurements using theodolite. |
13 |
8032804-3 |
Topographic & Photogrammetric Survey |
The Traverses. Highway curves. Total Station measurements. Global Positioning System (GPS). Principles of Photogrammetry, equipment and instruments, overlap photographs and stereoscopy, practical applications, ground control of photography, mosaics, stereoscopic and plotting Instruments. Digital Photogrammetry. |
14 |
8033108-2 |
Engineering Design |
The course is a training of engineering students on correct thinking and use of techniques generally required for engineering design. It includes a variety of subjects including system modeling, design process, teamwork, presentation, units & dimensions, use of spreadsheets. |
15 |
8033206-3 |
Water Resources Engineering |
Introduction, descriptive and quantitative hydrology, groundwater, dams, reservoirs, and irrigation. |
16 |
8034208-3 |
Environmental Engineering |
Fundamentals of environmental chemistry - Environmental and Human Interaction - Water quality issues - Water and wastewater treatment – distribution systems – Sewer Systems – Sustainability –Wastewater disposal. |
17 |
8032404-3 |
Soil Mechanics (1) |
Glossary of terms used in soil mechanics, Soil composition: Physical properties of soil. Mechanical analysis of soil, Weight- volume relationships. Consistency of soil, soil limits and indices, plasticity chart. Classification of soil: Textural classification, AASHTO classification system. Unified classification system. Clay Mineralogy and effect of water. Compaction of soil: Moisture-density relation, Standard and modified Proctor test. Effect of compaction on soil properties, factors affecting compaction. Flow of water in soil- permeability and seepage: Hydraulic gradient, Darcy's law, coefficient of permeability. Constant head test, falling head test, well pumping test, Empirical relations, equivalent permeability in stratified soil, 2-D permeability. Flow nets, uplift pressure, exit gradient, soil boiling. Effective stress Concept: Stresses in saturated soil without seepage, effect of seepage, seepage pressure, heaving of soil , soil filters. Compressibility of soil and settlement: Fundamentals of consolidation, 1-D lab teat, void ratio-pressure relationship. normal and over consolidation of clay, O.C.R. ratio, compression index, swell index. 1-D primary consolidation settlement, secondary consolidation, elastic settlement. Elastic settlement, total settlement, differential settlement. |
18 |
8033406-2 |
Soil Mechanics (2) |
Stress in soil mass: stress due to point load, stress due to line load, stress due to uniformly distributed circular and rectangular areas, 2:1distribution method, influence chart and New mark solution. Shear strength of soil: Mohr coulomb failure criteria, determination of shear strength parameters in lab shear box test, triaxial test, unconfined compression test, vane shear test. Subsoil Exploration: Planning of soil exploration program, number and depth of borings, exploratory boring in the field, ,soil sampling field test, soil exploration report Coring in rock, rock quality designation, geophysical exploration, Lateral earth pressure: earth pressure at rest, Rankine's active and passive earth pressure, Column's theory, approximate analysis of active force on retaining walls, Types of retaining walls: Cantilever, gravity and couterforted retaining walls. Stability analysis of retaining walls, Construction joints, drainage from backfill, earthquake conditions, Slope stability: factor of safety, stability of infinite slopes, without and with water seepage, effect of seepage, seepage pressure, heaving of soil , soil filters, stability of finite slopes, plane failure surface, earthquake conditions, circular cylindrical failure surface, analysis by method of slices. |
19 |
8034612-3 |
Reinforced Concrete Design (1) |
Introducing students to different methods of structural design, designing essential reinforced concrete elements such as beams, columns, solid slabs and footings |
20 |
8034614-3 |
Reinforced Concrete Design (2) |
Design of one-way solid slabs, Design of two-way solid slabs, design of ribbed slabs, design of flat slab, design of wall footings, design of isolated footing, design of combined footings, design of raft foundation. |
21 |
8034616-3 |
Design of Steel Structures |
Analysis and design of tension and compression members, and base plates. Analysis and design of beams subjected to bending and shear, design of columns under biaxial loads, connections, and continuous beams and frames, according to ( AISC) specifications |
22 |
8032806-3 |
Introduction to Transportation Engineering |
An introductory course in transportation engineering that covers these main topics; Modes of Transportation - Components of Traffic Systems and their Characteristics - Introduction to Traffic Control Devices - Capacity and Level of Service for Freeways & Multilane Highways - Transportation Planning Process and Studies. |
23 |
8033808-3 |
Highway Engineering |
The course covers highway design control and criteria. It encompasses cross section elements and highway geometric design. It covers structural design of flexible and rigid pavements. It includes empirical design by AASHTO procedures and Mechanistic - Empirical design approach. The impact of climate on serviceability and sustainability of flexible pavement tis also included. The lab portion of this course aims at characterization of subbase, base and surface course materials. The properties of asphalt concrete as a binder in flexible pavements and asphalt mix design is also included. |
24 |
8034110-2 |
Engineering Standards & Professional Ethics |
25 |
8034408-3 |
Foundation Engineering |
Shallow foundations; Common types of shallow foundations, ultimate bearing capacity, different types of shear failure of soil. Terzaghi’s bearing capacity theory , general bearing capacity equation, factor of safety. Eccentrically loaded foundations, effect of water table flocculation, determination of bearing capacity in the field. Settlement of shallow foundations, allowable bearing pressure in sand based on settlement consideration. Mat foundations; common types, bearing capacity, compensated foundations. Contact pressure under Mat foundation, design of Mat foundation. Pile foundations ; conditions for use, types of pile and their structural characteristics estimation of pile length, Installation of piles, load transfer mechanism, equation for estimation of pile capacity, Settlements of piles, pullout resistance, pile-driving formulas, pile load tests, Efficiency of group piles, onsolidation settlement of group piles, Sheet pile walls: Construction methods, cantilever type SPW penetrating sandy and clayey soil. Anchored SPW, free earth support, fixed earth support, design of anchors, holding capacity in sand and clay. Braced Cuts: Pressure envelope, design of various components, stability of bottom of cuts in sand. Site dewatering: Control of water table, methods of dewatering, gravity flow method, pumping andvacuum method. Electro osmosis, Open Excavation by Ditch and Sump, well point system. |
26 |
8034618-2 |
Construction Engineering |
The course explains the Construction practices and methods – selection of construction equipment and cost analysis. Construction classification and types, building components and construction methods for heavy construction highways and bridges and building construction, activities analysis including; (earth moving, foundation, retaining walls, structure frames, reinforced concrete such as: beams and slabs, steel structure construction and materials masonry, plastering, tiles, ceramics, cladding, plumping and electricity. construction equipment, resources allocation and finishing. |
27 |
8034620-2 |
Engineering Projects Management |
The course Introduce the Projects management, Professional project Manager; function and skills site and office management. Also, Productivity evaluation and improvement, performance, quality management and resources management. Planning and scheduling techniques, evaluation (Bar-chart) and CPM also represented. Financial management Time, cost income and outcome, Cost control and decision-making, cost income evaluation.
Health and safety in construction project. |
28 |
8034622-2 |
Contracts and Specifications |
Introduction of contracts, specifications and project cost estimate. The contracting phase, Engineering contracts the main parties of the project and definitions including: contract documents, guarantees insurance, bond, general and special condition, penalties. change of orders, and the turnover. Types of contracts according to ownership and to payment, duties of the main parties of the construction project, and the contractual methods advantages and dis advantages for the owner and for the contractor. competition and committees of the contracting phase, bid award and responsibility of the contract parties’ duty of each committee, conditions, limitation and regulations. Preparing an engineering contract. The FIDIC contracts. Construction specifications, the Codes in civil engineering practice, Relationship between the design, materials, safety and construction codes and the specification. Preparing cost estimate for construction project. |
29 |
8034999-3 |
Graduation Project |
The Graduation Project is the capstone of all abilities students acquire in the program. Students, working in small teams, tackle specific design challenges demonstrating various abilities they have attained through the courses in the degree program. i.e., Provide schedule of project deliverables, prepare design, prepare cost estimate, prepare construction schedule, prepare detailed drawings, prepare final report. |
b. Civil Engineering Elective Courses |
No. |
Course ID |
Course Title |
1 |
8034250-3 |
Urban Drainage Analysis and Design |
Urban drainage; effects of urbanization on drainage; storm sewer design; sewer sediments; computer in network analysis and design; pumps in drainage systems; sewerage rehabilitation; sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS). |
2 |
8034252-3 |
Groundwater Engineering |
Groundwater exploration, specifications, estimation of quantities, design of wells, groundwater flow |
3 |
8034258-3 |
Sanitary Waste Disposal |
Types of wastes and methods of disposal - Safety standards - Physical, chemical and biological processes - Treatment of sewerage and its reuse - Disposal of sludge, treatment and reuse. |
4 |
8034260-3 |
Computer Application in Environmental Engineering |
The course is designed to introduce students to environmental engineering (e.g. chemical speciation modeling software, water / wastewater treatment plant design software, water distribution system design software, Sewer System software, watershed management software) and enables the student to use some of these programs in the analysis and design of environmental problems. |
5 |
8034450-3 |
Problematic Soil and Stabilization Techniques |
Geotechnical problems associated different soil types. Expansive soils: Composition, identification, properties and special recommendations for foundations. Collapsible soils: Composition, identification, properties and special recommendations for foundations. Soft soils: Composition, identification, properties and special recommendations for foundations. Non engineered fill soils: Composition, identification, properties and special recommendations for foundations. Organic/peat soils: Composition, identification, properties and special recommendations for foundations. Aired /Semi arid soils: Composition, identification, properties and special recommendations for foundations. Tropical soils: Composition, identification, properties and special recommendations for foundations. Soils in cold region – Soils with cavities – Stabilizing agents. Factors affecting strength of stabilized soil. Stabilization methods. |
6 |
8034452-3 |
Rock Mechanics |
Fundamentals of rock mechanics. Geological classification of different types of rocks. Index properties of rocks Stresses in rock. Rock strength and Failure criteria. Rock deformation and strain. Rock strength criteria, Stress - strain relationship in rock, Measurement of rock stresses. Foundations on rocks. Improving rock mass stability |
7 |
8034458-3 |
Computer Application in Geotechnical Engineering |
Use computers to practice problem solving using educational and commercial software in the field of geotechnical engineering. |
8 |
8034652-3 |
Advanced Concrete Technology |
Deformation, Shrinkage & Creep – Durability – Concrete Mix Design - High Strength Concrete - Fiber Reinforced Concrete - Lightweight Concrete – Self-compacting Concrete |
9 |
8034654-3 |
Computer Application in Structural Engineering |
To educate the students about the available computer software related to structural engineering and enable them to use some of these programs in structural analysis and design. |
10 |
8034858-3 |
Soil Engineering and Pavement System |
An elective course that covers the planning, design, construction, management, operation and maintenance of public transportation systems. |
11 |
8034852-3 |
Traffic Engineering |
An introductory course in Traffic Engineering that is divided into the following main topics: Characteristics of Traffic Streams - Capacity Analysis - Traffic Control - Intersection Signalization, Design and Timing - Congestion Management. |
12 |
8034860-3 |
Highway Design |
The course covers structural design of flexible and rigid pavements. It includes empirical design by AASHTO procedures and Mechanistic - Empirical design approach. The Asphalt Institute Procedures, CBR Method of Pavement Design and PCA design procedures are also included. The impact of climate on serviceability and sustainability of flexible pavement tis also included. It also include characterization of subbase, base and surface course materials. The properties of asphalt concrete as a binder in flexible pavements and asphalt mix design by Marshal and SuperPave Method are also included. |
13 |
8034862-3 |
Computer Application in Transportation Engineering |
To impart knowledge about use of CAD, GIS and professional software pertaining to planning, analysis and design in the field of transportation engineering. |
14 |
8034866-3 |
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) |
Units – Map scales - Distance measurements - Distance measurements by tape – Electronic distance measurements (EDM) - Area calculations - Leveling and instruments - Profile and cross section leveling, and errors in leveling - Contour Maps - Volume calculation and mass diagram - Direction and azimuth of lines - Horizontal and vertical angles measurements using theodolite. |
15 |
8034864-3 |
Computer Application in Surveying |
Least Squares Method for observations adjustment- Methods of coordinates transformations- Mapping using AutoCAD software- Using Surfer and AUTOCAD Civil 3D for contouring- Preparation the longitudinal and cross sections of roads using AutoCAD |
(Short Description)
For Plan 37
Course Specifications |
a. Civil Engineering Core Courses |
No. |
Course ID |
Course Tile |
Course Description |
1 |
4800110-4 |
General Chemistry (1) |
2 |
4031002-4 |
General Physics (2) |
3 |
8002001-4 |
Engineering Mathematics (1) |
The aims of this course are providing the student with good knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and theorems on ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and some effective methods of solutions (Laplace transform). Also, to formulate the mathematical model of the engineering problem from its physical phenomena and then apply the methods of solution to find the real response. Finally, to make the student manipulate complex numbers with confidence; understand geometrically their representation on the Argand diagram including the nth roots of unity, know the polar representation form and be able to apply it. |
4 |
8002002-4 |
Engineering Mathematics (2) |
Engineering Mathematics (2) is a course that introduces the basic concepts, theorems and knowledge of the linear algebra of matrices, special functions, Fourier analysis and partial differential equations. |
5 |
8041102-3 |
Dynamics |
6 |
8041108-2 |
Thermodynamics for CE |
7 |
8042109-3 |
Engineering Statistics and Probability |
8 |
8043401-2 |
Engineering Economy |
9 |
8022006-2 |
Electrical Engineering for Civil Engineers |
10 |
8041101-2 |
Engineering Graphics |
1 |
8031104-2 |
Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) |
This course covers the fundamentals of civil engineering working drawings and their standards. It introduces different elements of reinforced concrete and steel structures. The AutoCAD software is used throughout this course. |
2 |
8031102-3 |
Statics |
Vector analysis of force, Force systems in 2D and 3D, moments and couples, equivalent for system, Equilibrium in 2D and 3D, analysis of structures, Centroids and composite bodies, Distributed force system, friction, area moment of inertia. |
3 |
8032602-3 |
Mechanics of Materials |
Concept of stress and strain, State of stress and strain at a point, Stress–strain relationship. Normal and shear strains. Torsion, Statically indeterminate axially loaded members. Beams shear forces and bending moments relations and diagrams. Combined loading, Stress transformation and principal stresses. Energy method and stability. |
4 |
8033106-3 |
Engineering Computational Methods |
Numbers and their representations - Errors in the calculations – Numerical Methods for solving differential equations of different engineering systems |
5 |
8032202-3 |
Fluid Mechanics |
Introduction to fluid mechanics – Fluid definition – Fluid properties – Fluid statics – Fluid dynamics (flowing fluid and pressure variations) – Control volume approach and continuity equation – The energy equation – Momentum equation. |
6 |
8033204-3 |
Hydraulics |
Introduction to hydraulic engineering – Steady flow in pipes – Special pipe systems and networks – Flow measurements – Flow in open channels – Pumps – Modeling and similitude – Introduction to unsteady flow in pipes. |
7 |
8031402-2 |
Basics of Geology |
Introduction, descriptive and quantitative geology, soil classification, rock identification, geo-hazards and anomalies with geological structures and facies . |
8 |
8033604-3 |
Theory of Structures |
Loads - Reactions - Axial force - Shear - Bending moments - Determinate structures - Trusses, Beams - Frames - Deflection - Energy method. – introduction to indeterminate structures |
9 |
8033606-3 |
Structural Analysis |
Analysis of indeterminate structures - slope deflection - moment distribution - continuous beams - frames - matrix algebra - flexibility - stiffness - analysis using computer. |
10 |
8033610-3 |
Concrete Technology |
Nature of Concrete, Advantages of Concrete. Aggregate Classifications, Properties of Aggregates, Tests on Aggregates. Manufacture of Cement , Portland Cement Compositions, Types of Cement, Hydration of Cement, Specifications and Tests of Portland Cement. Function of Mixing Water, Impurities in Water, Sea water, Tests on Water. Admixtures Definition and Classifications, Chemical Admixtures, Mineral Admixtures, Miscellaneous Admixtures, Effects of Admixtures of Properties of Fresh & Hard Concrete, Blended Cements. Fresh Concrete Properties: Workability, Segregation and Bleeding, Setting Time, Tests on Fresh Concrete. Concrete Manufacturing Practices: Batching and Mixing of Concrete, Transportation of Concrete, Placing of Concrete, Finishing of Concrete, Curing of Concrete. Hot weather Concreting, Formwork for Concrete, Inspection of Concrete. Hardened Concrete Properties: Strength, Tests of Hardened Concrete. |
11 |
8033608-2 |
Building Materials |
Use of different building materials including concrete blocks and bricks, steel, aluminum, wood, and other newly developed and generated materials. Inspection and supervision of building |
12 |
8031802-3 |
Plane Surveying |
Units – Map scales - Distance measurements - Distance measurements by tape – Electronic distance measurements (EDM) - Area calculations - Leveling and instruments - Profile and cross section leveling, and errors in leveling - Contour Maps - Volume calculation and mass diagram - Direction and azimuth of lines - Horizontal and vertical angles measurements using theodolite. |
13 |
8032804-3 |
Topographic & Photogrammetric Survey |
The Traverses. Highway curves. Total Station measurements. Global Positioning System (GPS). Principles of Photogrammetry, equipment and instruments, overlap photographs and stereoscopy, practical applications, ground control of photography, mosaics, stereoscopic and plotting Instruments. Digital Photogrammetry. |
14 |
8033108-2 |
Engineering Design |
The course is a training of engineering students on correct thinking and use of techniques generally required for engineering design. It includes a variety of subjects including system modeling, design process, teamwork, presentation, units & dimensions, use of spreadsheets. |
15 |
8033206-3 |
Water Resources Engineering |
Introduction, descriptive and quantitative hydrology, groundwater, dams, reservoirs, and irrigation. |
16 |
8034208-3 |
Environmental Engineering |
Fundamentals of environmental chemistry - Environmental and Human Interaction - Water quality issues - Water and wastewater treatment – distribution systems – Sewer Systems – Sustainability –Wastewater disposal. |
17 |
8032404-3 |
Soil Mechanics (1) |
Glossary of terms used in soil mechanics, Soil composition: Physical properties of soil. Mechanical analysis of soil, Weight- volume relationships. Consistency of soil, soil limits and indices, plasticity chart. Classification of soil: Textural classification, AASHTO classification system. Unified classification system. Clay Mineralogy and effect of water. Compaction of soil: Moisture-density relation, Standard and modified Proctor test. Effect of compaction on soil properties, factors affecting compaction. Flow of water in soil- permeability and seepage: Hydraulic gradient, Darcy's law, coefficient of permeability. Constant head test, falling head test, well pumping test, Empirical relations, equivalent permeability in stratified soil, 2-D permeability. Flow nets, uplift pressure, exit gradient, soil boiling. Effective stress Concept: Stresses in saturated soil without seepage, effect of seepage, seepage pressure, heaving of soil , soil filters. Compressibility of soil and settlement: Fundamentals of consolidation, 1-D lab teat, void ratio-pressure relationship. normal and over consolidation of clay, O.C.R. ratio, compression index, swell index. 1-D primary consolidation settlement, secondary consolidation, elastic settlement. Elastic settlement, total settlement, differential settlement. |
18 |
8033406-2 |
Soil Mechanics (2) |
Stress in soil mass: stress due to point load, stress due to line load, stress due to uniformly distributed circular and rectangular areas, 2:1distribution method, influence chart and New mark solution. Shear strength of soil: Mohr coulomb failure criteria, determination of shear strength parameters in lab shear box test, triaxial test, unconfined compression test, vane shear test. Subsoil Exploration: Planning of soil exploration program, number and depth of borings, exploratory boring in the field, ,soil sampling field test, soil exploration report Coring in rock, rock quality designation, geophysical exploration, Lateral earth pressure: earth pressure at rest, Rankine's active and passive earth pressure, Column's theory, approximate analysis of active force on retaining walls, Types of retaining walls: Cantilever, gravity and couterforted retaining walls. Stability analysis of retaining walls, Construction joints, drainage from backfill, earthquake conditions, Slope stability: factor of safety, stability of infinite slopes, without and with water seepage, effect of seepage, seepage pressure, heaving of soil , soil filters, stability of finite slopes, plane failure surface, earthquake conditions, circular cylindrical failure surface, analysis by method of slices. |
19 |
8034612-3 |
Reinforced Concrete Design (1) |
Introducing students to different methods of structural design, designing essential reinforced concrete elements such as beams, columns, solid slabs and footings |
20 |
8034614-3 |
Reinforced Concrete Design (2) |
Design of one-way solid slabs, Design of two-way solid slabs, design of ribbed slabs, design of flat slab, design of wall footings, design of isolated footing, design of combined footings, design of raft foundation. |
21 |
8034616-3 |
Design of Steel Structures |
Analysis and design of tension and compression members, and base plates. Analysis and design of beams subjected to bending and shear, design of columns under biaxial loads, connections, and continuous beams and frames, according to ( AISC) specifications |
22 |
8032806-3 |
Introduction to Transportation Engineering |
An introductory course in transportation engineering that covers these main topics; Modes of Transportation - Components of Traffic Systems and their Characteristics - Introduction to Traffic Control Devices - Capacity and Level of Service for Freeways & Multilane Highways - Transportation Planning Process and Studies. |
23 |
8033808-3 |
Highway Engineering |
The course covers highway design control and criteria. It encompasses cross section elements and highway geometric design. It covers structural design of flexible and rigid pavements. It includes empirical design by AASHTO procedures and Mechanistic - Empirical design approach. The impact of climate on serviceability and sustainability of flexible pavement tis also included. The lab portion of this course aims at characterization of subbase, base and surface course materials. The properties of asphalt concrete as a binder in flexible pavements and asphalt mix design is also included. |
24 |
8034110-2 |
Engineering Standards & Professional Ethics |
25 |
8034408-3 |
Foundation Engineering |
Shallow foundations; Common types of shallow foundations, ultimate bearing capacity, different types of shear failure of soil. Terzaghi’s bearing capacity theory , general bearing capacity equation, factor of safety. Eccentrically loaded foundations, effect of water table flocculation, determination of bearing capacity in the field. Settlement of shallow foundations, allowable bearing pressure in sand based on settlement consideration. Mat foundations; common types, bearing capacity, compensated foundations. Contact pressure under Mat foundation, design of Mat foundation. Pile foundations ; conditions for use, types of pile and their structural characteristics estimation of pile length, Installation of piles, load transfer mechanism, equation for estimation of pile capacity, Settlements of piles, pullout resistance, pile-driving formulas, pile load tests, Efficiency of group piles, onsolidation settlement of group piles, Sheet pile walls: Construction methods, cantilever type SPW penetrating sandy and clayey soil. Anchored SPW, free earth support, fixed earth support, design of anchors, holding capacity in sand and clay. Braced Cuts: Pressure envelope, design of various components, stability of bottom of cuts in sand. Site dewatering: Control of water table, methods of dewatering, gravity flow method, pumping andvacuum method. Electro osmosis, Open Excavation by Ditch and Sump, well point system. |
26 |
8034618-2 |
Construction Engineering |
The course explains the Construction practices and methods – selection of construction equipment and cost analysis. Construction classification and types, building components and construction methods for heavy construction highways and bridges and building construction, activities analysis including; (earth moving, foundation, retaining walls, structure frames, reinforced concrete such as: beams and slabs, steel structure construction and materials masonry, plastering, tiles, ceramics, cladding, plumping and electricity. construction equipment, resources allocation and finishing. |
27 |
8034620-2 |
Engineering Projects Management |
The course Introduce the Projects management, Professional project Manager; function and skills site and office management. Also, Productivity evaluation and improvement, performance, quality management and resources management. Planning and scheduling techniques, evaluation (Bar-chart) and CPM also represented. Financial management Time, cost income and outcome, Cost control and decision-making, cost income evaluation.
Health and safety in construction project. |
28 |
8034622-2 |
Contracts and Specifications |
Introduction of contracts, specifications and project cost estimate. The contracting phase, Engineering contracts the main parties of the project and definitions including: contract documents, guarantees insurance, bond, general and special condition, penalties. change of orders, and the turnover. Types of contracts according to ownership and to payment, duties of the main parties of the construction project, and the contractual methods advantages and dis advantages for the owner and for the contractor. competition and committees of the contracting phase, bid award and responsibility of the contract parties’ duty of each committee, conditions, limitation and regulations. Preparing an engineering contract. The FIDIC contracts. Construction specifications, the Codes in civil engineering practice, Relationship between the design, materials, safety and construction codes and the specification. Preparing cost estimate for construction project. |
29 |
8034999-3 |
Graduation Project |
The Graduation Project is the capstone of all abilities students acquire in the program. Students, working in small teams, tackle specific design challenges demonstrating various abilities they have attained through the courses in the degree program. i.e., Provide schedule of project deliverables, prepare design, prepare cost estimate, prepare construction schedule, prepare detailed drawings, prepare final report. |
b. Civil Engineering Elective Courses |
No. |
Course ID |
Course Tile |
1 |
8034250-3 |
Urban Drainage Analysis and Design |
Urban drainage; effects of urbanization on drainage; storm sewer design; sewer sediments; computer in network analysis and design; pumps in drainage systems; sewerage rehabilitation; sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS). |
2 |
8034252-3 |
Groundwater Engineering |
Groundwater exploration, specifications, estimation of quantities, design of wells, groundwater flow |
3 |
8034258-3 |
Sanitary Waste Disposal |
Types of wastes and methods of disposal - Safety standards - Physical, chemical and biological processes - Treatment of sewerage and its reuse - Disposal of sludge, treatment and reuse. |
4 |
8034260-3 |
Computer Application in Environmental Engineering |
The course is designed to introduce students to environmental engineering (e.g. chemical speciation modeling software, water / wastewater treatment plant design software, water distribution system design software, Sewer System software, watershed management software) and enables the student to use some of these programs in the analysis and design of environmental problems. |
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8034450-3 |
Problematic Soil and Stabilization Techniques |
Geotechnical problems associated different soil types. Expansive soils: Composition, identification, properties and special recommendations for foundations. Collapsible soils: Composition, identification, properties and special recommendations for foundations. Soft soils: Composition, identification, properties and special recommendations for foundations. Non engineered fill soils: Composition, identification, properties and special recommendations for foundations. Organic/peat soils: Composition, identification, properties and special recommendations for foundations. Aired /Semi arid soils: Composition, identification, properties and special recommendations for foundations. Tropical soils: Composition, identification, properties and special recommendations for foundations. Soils in cold region – Soils with cavities – Stabilizing agents. Factors affecting strength of stabilized soil. Stabilization methods. |
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8034452-3 |
Rock Mechanics |
Fundamentals of rock mechanics. Geological classification of different types of rocks. Index properties of rocks Stresses in rock. Rock strength and Failure criteria. Rock deformation and strain. Rock strength criteria, Stress - strain relationship in rock, Measurement of rock stresses. Foundations on rocks. Improving rock mass stability |
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8034458-3 |
Computer Application in Geotechnical Engineering |
Use computers to practice problem solving using educational and commercial software in the field of geotechnical engineering. |
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8034652-3 |
Advanced Concrete Technology |
Deformation, Shrinkage & Creep – Durability – Concrete Mix Design - High Strength Concrete - Fiber Reinforced Concrete - Lightweight Concrete – Self-compacting Concrete |
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8034654-3 |
Computer Application in Structural Engineering |
To educate the students about the available computer software related to structural engineering and enable them to use some of these programs in structural analysis and design. |
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8034858-3 |
Soil Engineering and Pavement System |
An elective course that covers the planning, design, construction, management, operation and maintenance of public transportation systems. |
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8034852-3 |
Traffic Engineering |
An introductory course in Traffic Engineering that is divided into the following main topics: Characteristics of Traffic Streams - Capacity Analysis - Traffic Control - Intersection Signalization, Design and Timing - Congestion Management. |
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8034860-3 |
Highway Design |
The course covers structural design of flexible and rigid pavements. It includes empirical design by AASHTO procedures and Mechanistic - Empirical design approach. The Asphalt Institute Procedures, CBR Method of Pavement Design and PCA design procedures are also included. The impact of climate on serviceability and sustainability of flexible pavement tis also included. It also include characterization of subbase, base and surface course materials. The properties of asphalt concrete as a binder in flexible pavements and asphalt mix design by Marshal and SuperPave Method are also included. |
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8034862-3 |
Computer Application in Transportation Engineering |
To impart knowledge about use of CAD, GIS and professional software pertaining to planning, analysis and design in the field of transportation engineering. |
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8034866-3 |
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) |
Units – Map scales - Distance measurements - Distance measurements by tape – Electronic distance measurements (EDM) - Area calculations - Leveling and instruments - Profile and cross section leveling, and errors in leveling - Contour Maps - Volume calculation and mass diagram - Direction and azimuth of lines - Horizontal and vertical angles measurements using theodolite. |
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8034864-3 |
Computer Application in Surveying |
Least Squares Method for observations adjustment- Methods of coordinates transformations- Mapping using AutoCAD software- Using Surfer and AUTOCAD Civil 3D for contouring- Preparation the longitudinal and cross sections of roads using AutoCAD |