جامعة أم القرى

جامعة أم القرى

ندوة بحثية: علم إخفاء البيانات في الصور: تحديات وحلول

main image

ندوة بحثية: علم إخفاء البيانات في الصور: تحديات وحلول

Steganography is an art and science of communicating information or hidden messages in a covert manner such that the existence of this communication is not detectable. On the other hand, steganalysis is about detecting the hiding messages and breaking the cover communication
Mainly, images are widely used as a carrier to hide the hidden messages due to its large hiding capacity in compare with other carriers such as text and video files
In this webinar, the principle of image steganography and image steganlaysis are going to be presented. Also, the seminar discusses to what extent image stegalaysis can be a solution to break the use of image steganography, as well as, the challenges that faces stegnalayzer to do so
Moreover, reviewing the illegal uses of steganography.




المدة: 1 يوم/أيام
تبدأ في: 2019/01/21 - 10:00 - صباحاً


19/01/21 19/01/21
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