جامعة أم القرى

جامعة أم القرى

Full Paper Submission Form

لا يمكن التقديم على النموذج في الوقت الحالي!

انتهاء فترة استخدام النموذج

النموذج متاح للاستخدام خلال الفترات:


2022/09/23 - 02:15 - مساءً


2022/11/01 - 12:00 - مساءً

صلاحية المشاهدة




All submission must be in Englishoriginal and should not have been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in whole or in part, while being evaluated for this conference. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.


Your submission will NOT be considered for peer review unless it meets the following criteria:

  • Your manuscript must follow an approved, double column template: IEEE conference template.
  • Once formatted, you must convert your manuscript to PDF before uploading.
  • The size of the file must not exceed 6 MB.
  • All author names MUST be listed on your manuscript and entered Step 2 below.
  • If your paper is an extended work of a paper you or your co-authors previously published, please include the original work and a summary of differences.
  • Page limit in double column format is 8 pages for Regular and 6 pages for Short including references.
جار التحميل