جامعة أم القرى

جامعة أم القرى


- 2020/05/26

قائمة الأبحاث المنشورة

قائمة الأبحاث المنشورة في العام 2015


Bogari, N.M., Rayes, H.H., Mostafa, F., Abdel-Latif, A.M., Ramadan, A., Al-Allaf, F.A., Taher, M.M. and Fawzy, A., 2015. A novel SNP in 3′ UTR of INS gene: A case report of neonatal diabetes mellitus. Diabetes research and clinical practice109(3), pp.e14-e17.


Abumansour, I.S., Hijazi, H., Alazmi, A., Alzahrani, F., Bashiri, F.A., Hassan, H., Alhaddab, M. and Alkuraya, F.S., 2015. ARL6IP6, a susceptibility locus for ischemic stroke, is mutated in a patient with syndromic Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita. Human genetics134(8), pp.815-822.


Arab, A.H. and Elhawary, N.A., 2015. Association between ANKK1 (rs1800497) and LTA (rs909253) genetic variants and risk of Schizophrenia. BioMed research international2015.


Saudi Mendeliome Group falkuaya@ kfshrc. edu. sa, 2015. Comprehensive gene panels provide advantages over clinical exome sequencing for Mendelian diseases. Genome biology16, pp.1-14.


Al-Ashwal, A., Alnouri, F., Sabbour, H., Al-Mahfouz, A., Al-Sayed, N., Razzaghy-Azar, M., Al-Allaf, F., Al-Waili, K., Banerjee, Y., Genest, J. and D Santos, R., 2015. Identification and treatment of patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: information and recommendations from a Middle East advisory panel. Current vascular pharmacology13(6), pp.759-770.


Al-Allaf, F.A., Athar, M., Abduljaleel, Z., Taher, M.M., Khan, W., Ba-hammam, F.A., Abalkhail, H. and Alashwal, A., 2015. Next generation sequencing to identify novel genetic variants causative of autosomal dominant familial hypercholesterolemia associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease. Gene565(1), pp.76-84.


Bogari, N.M., Abdel-Latif, A.M., Hassan, M.A., Ramadan, A. and Fawzy, A., 2015. No association of apolipoprotein B gene polymorphism and blood lipids in obese Egyptian subjects. Journal of negative results in biomedicine14(1), p.7.


Otahal, A., Fuchs, R., Al-Allaf, F.A. and Blaas, D., 2015. Release of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Spike Protein G-Pseudotyped Lentivirus from the Host Cell Is Impaired upon Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor Overexpression. Journal of virology89(22), pp.11723-11726.


Chodirker, B.N. and Wrogemann, J., 2015. Response to Correspondence on ‘‘Lissencephaly With Brainstem and Cerebellar Hypoplasia and Congenital Cataracts’’. Journal of child neurology30(5), p.666.

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