جامعة أم القرى

جامعة أم القرى

المجلد السادس - يوليو 2020م

- 2020/12/27


 مجلة جامعة أم القرى للعلوم التطبيقية


المجلد السادس

ذو القعدة 1442هـ - يوليو 2020م

Page Nos. 01-50


فهرس المحتويات


1- Flavonoid Biosynthesis Genes During Seed Development in Arabidopsis Thaliana.

Maha Aljabri, James Doughty, and Rod J.Scott.................................................p1

2- The Vibration of a Viscothermoelastic Gold Nanobeam Induced by Different Types of Thermal Loading.

Eman A. N. Al-Lehaibi.................................................p6

3- Approaches of Energy-Saving Facades – Review Article.

M. Sabry.................................................p14

4- Effect of Fast Neutron Irradiation on Optical Properties of Lead Borate Glass.

Y. A. El-Gammam.................................................p21

5- Quantum Mechanical Stark Broadening for Na VII and Na VIII lines.

Haykel Elabidi.................................................p25

6- X-ray Bright Sources in the Field of Active Galactic Nuclei MKN 205.

B. A. Korany.................................................p35

7- The Impact of PG Classes and Addition of FGDB on Air Pollution Emitted from Shuaibah III (IWPP) Plant: Screening Model.

Abdel-Baset H. Mekky.................................................p39

8- Probing the X-ray Spectra of Alpha Coronae Borealis.

B. A. Korany.................................................p44

9- Indoor Radon Concentration in Some Villages of Al-Lieth Province in Saudi Arabia.

Amal Mohamed, and H. T. Mahdy .................................................p48


© Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Applied Science Vol.6(1) July 2020

ISSN:1658-8185 (online)



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