جامعة أم القرى

جامعة أم القرى

المجلد 17 العدد 2 ذوالقعدة 1425هـ (العلوم والطب والهندسة)

- 2019/02/06

Volume 17 Number 2- Jumada 'I 1426 July 2005



Microbiological Quality and Safety of Some "Honey Pastes" Marketed in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Rashad R. Al- Hindi


Physicochemical Studies and Screening of Aflatoxins and Pesticide Residues in Some "Honey Pastes" Marketed in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Rashad R. Al- Hindi


A Study on the Antimicrobial Activity of Corynebacterium kutscheri Isolated from Jordanian Soil.

Nasser M. El-Banna




The Effect of SO2 on element content and visual injury of wheat and barley leaves.

S.S. Abu Muriefah & N.I. Aljwaizea



Computer Modeling of Megavoltage X-rays Transmission Through Some Shielding Materials Used in Radiotherapy.

Fayez H..H.AlGhorabie


A Study of the Optical Properties of Sodium Tetraborate Glasses Containing Ytterbium.

M. O. Babateen & A. A. Kutub


The Effect of Acquisition Orbits and matrix on the Accuracy of Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography in Imaging: Quantitative Evaluation in a Cardiac Phantom.




On Testing Statistics of Harmonic New Better Than Renewal Used in Expectation Class of Life Distributions.

Gamal R. Elkahlout



The Effect of Ageing on Properties of Bituminous Waste Materials.

Mohammad H. Alawi


Modifying Standard Design and Construction Procedure for Culverts.

Bassam A. Ghulman


A Fuzzy Inferencing Model for Generating Code-Compliant Seismic Design Response Spectra.

Tariq M. Nahhas



The Efficiency of Window Design and Orientation on Long-Cycle Passive Solar Heating Demands in Residential Buildings.

Amjed A. Maghrabi


Comparative Study of Thermal Insulation Alternatives for Buildings, Walls and Roofs in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

Amjed A. Maghrabi

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