Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Project Organization

- 2022/10/05

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    What is a graduation project? How to pass it?

    The graduation project is a specific idea that provides a solution to a real problem or a service to the community. It does not have to be a new idea. It is possible to build on a previous idea with the student's own vision. The graduation project is a real test for the student; it reveals the students' abilities in analyzing problems and creating new solutions to these problems by designing a project using one of the technologies or programming languages that they have studied. Thus, it is considered a summary of his years of study, with the student presenting the sum of what he has learned during his study of the planned courses in completing the final project.

    The graduation project measures the student's capabilities in time management. The student has to complete his project at a specific time within one semester. Also, teamwork must be taken into account in the project; the student has to work in a team that usually consists of 3 to 5 students. It should be noted here that all members of the research group must participate; the project should not be implemented individually as this makes the student miss the skill of working in a team.

    Finally, the graduation project provides an important actual experience for the student as an introduction to his practical life after graduation. The student depends entirely on his creativity in the project work.


    1. Develop the student's independent analytical skills.
    2. Provide the opportunity for the student to summarize the knowledge acquired in a subfield of mathematics.
    3. Improve the student's ability to communicate verbally and in writing.
    4. Improve the student's ability to use computers to write mathematical texts and for presentations.

    Choose your team and your supervisor

    The research team usually consists of three to five students, so take the initiative and ask your colleagues to work together with you. Then choose a supervisor. When you choose a supervisor, find the appropriate supervisor for your project idea. The appropriate supervisor will assist you in the implementation of your project and provide you with appropriate suggestions based on his experience in the field. Finally, after you choose your team and your supervisor, select a person in your team as the group rapporteur, with the unanimous agreement of the team members. This will make many decisions easier for you to take. The rapporteur will be responsible for monitoring the project, communicating with the supervisor, and setting appointments with him.

    Choose the idea and title of the graduation project

    The choice of the graduation project should be based on a practical and rational basis. Novelty is not a requirement for graduation projects. You can even build on an existing idea, but you have to add your own style and creative touch. Among the best graduation projects that are usually distinguished and achieve high marks are those that provide solutions and services to the community. Moreover, the best way to choose an idea is to ask those close to you about their difficulties as well as what services they need to make their lives easier. Jot down and record any idea, whatever it may be, in a draft notebook, then meet with your team members to select three or four ideas.

    Who proposes the project (topic and idea)?

    1. Students (strongly recommended).
    2. Academic staff members in the department.
    3. Industrial financiers and labor market institutions.
    4. Proposals from academic staff members from outside the department.

    Criteria for selecting an outstanding graduation project

    1. The objectives must be clearly defined and realistic.
    2. The project must have a certain size that corresponds to the period of its completion.
    3. The project should be important and compatible with the student's study program.
    4. The student should be able to implement the project, taking into account the resources available to him.

    How to write a project report, which includes:

    The name or title of the project

    It should be noted that a student should choose a project title that fits the idea of the project, is short and brief as possible, and also meaningful and significant. It should express the objectives and results of the project, as the title is the first thing that catches the sight of the examinee or the reader.

    Introduction and aims

    In this section, the student clarifies the idea of his project, its aim, the purpose it serves, and gives a very brief explanation of the project.


    What should your project achieve? Write down all the steps you must have implemented by the time you have finished the project. For example: project field, the program having a book search feature, and the existence of a membership registration feature in the program allowing the user to add one or more books. Moreover, list what hardware, software, tools and programming languages are used in the project, giving a description of each of them and the reason for using them. It is also necessary to collect information on the proposed topic.


    You should finish with a brief conclusion about your project, stating whether there is the possibility of further research in this study and the future prospects in this regard.

    Referee assessment of the project and its defense

    If you are the one who worked on the idea and you are the one who implemented it, there is no need to worry! Defense is one of the easiest stages; you will explain your idea, your work, and how you did it. During the defense, you will definitely be asked some questions. The questions are usually to make sure that you are the one who worked on the idea, and that you are the one who implemented it. Answer with confidence and without hesitation.

    Some supervisors may try to question the project's topic to make sure that you believe in your idea are committed to it. Defend it confidently. Do not worry, no matter what questions you are asked in the defense and what your answer may be, this will not affect your project. You will receive marks in the oral examination, which will be held by a number of reviewers from inside or outside the department. It is preferable that students are asked to offer an oral presentation in the presence of some academic staff members and reviewers before the final assessment and judgment. This is in order to receive useful advice and overcome weaknesses, if any.





    ( Midterm activities) Supervisor





    The report: :


    Mastery of the content, related examples

    Presentation: :

    Organization of thoughts, structure of text, output quality








    Oral presentation: :

    Clear presentation, fluent speech, communicating easily, good language style


    Content selection, organization of thoughts, the way of answering questions

    Use of educational resources:

    Media production (PowerPoint)

    Readability: font size and color, brevity of information, coordinated progress of the presentation


    The outcomes of the research project and the expected general objectives

    After completing this course, the student will able to:

    1. Deal with real life projects.
    2. Define a problem statement.
    3. Determine the requirements of the regulations.
    4. Conduct a feasibility study.
    5. Identify different alternative solutions.
    6. Learn how to make a schedule, and carefully follow up its content.
    7. Develop oral presentation skills.
    8. Write a project proposal.


    The graduation project is one of the most interesting aspects of your university life. You will learn a lot from this experience; thus, you should carry out the work yourself, whatever your level may be. You are required to implement at least 75% of your project idea. If you manage to do this, you will receive a high grade for this project. You should also implement an idea you are convinced of. Finally, you should collaborate with a group for this task, as the goal of the graduation project is to work as a team under pressure.

