Recently Published Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals by the Department’s Academic Staff Members
Abbas F.A., El-Damcese M. A. and El-Ghamry E. M., "Reliability Analysis of Three Elements in Series and Parallel Systems under Time varying Fuzzy Failure Rate", International Journal of Engineering vol. 27, No. 4, (April 2014) 553-560.
Abbas F.A., El-Damcese M. A. and El-Ghamry E. M., “Availability and Reliability Analysis of Three Elements Parallel System with Fuzzy Failure and Repair Rates ", Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2014):125- 142.
Abbas F.A., “A New Class of Life Distribution Based on Moment Generating Function Ordering with Hypothesis Testing", International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 7, 2014.
Abbas F.A., El-Damcese M. A. and El-Ghamry E. M., ” Reliability and Cost Analysis of a Series System Model Using Fuzzy Parametric Geometric Programming”, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 8, 2014.
Mbarek, M. Tmar, H. Hattab (2014) A New Relevance Feedback Algorith Based on Vector Space Basis Change. In CICLing (2) Springer : pp. 355-366.
R. Mbarek, M. Tmar, H. Hattab (2014) Optimal context for information retrieval. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science AAIM 2014, LNCS 8546, pp. 323-330.
R. Mbarek, M. Tmar, H. Hattab (2014) Rocchio’s Model Based on Vector Space Basis Change for Pseudo Relevance Feedback. In SLATE 2014 pp. 0-9, Dagstuhl Publishing, Germany.
R. Mbarek, M. Tmar, H. Hattab (2014) Vector Space Basis Change in Information Retrieval. Journal of Computación y Sistemas, Vol. 18(3) pp. 11-22.
M. A. Fahmy (2014), A Computerized DRBEM model for generalized magneto-thermo-visco-elastic stress waves in functionally graded anisotropic thin film/substrate structures, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 11, Issue 3, pp. 386-409.
M. A. Fahmy, A. M. Salem, M. S. Metwally and M. M. Rashid (2014), Computer Implementation of the Drbem for Studying the Classical Coupled Thermoelastic Responses of Functionally Graded Anisotropic Plates, Physical Science International Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 5, pp. 674-685.
M. A. Fahmy, A. M. Salem, M. S. Metwally and M. M. Rashid (2014), Computer Implementation of the DRBEM for Studying the Generalized Thermo Elastic Responses of Functionally Graded Anisotropic Rotating Plates with Two Relaxation Times, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science, Vol. 4, Issue 7, pp. 1010-1026
M. A. Fahmy (2014), A 2D time domain DRBEM computer model for magneto-thermoelastic coupled wave propagation problems, International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 138-151.
Gamal M. Mahmoud, Tarek M. Abed-Elhameed and Mansour E. Ahmed(2015), Generalization of combination – combination synchronization of chaotic n-dimensional fractional-order dynamical systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, 83, 1885-1893ز DOI 10.1007/s11071-015-2453-y
H. Hattab (2015) Fundamental group of orbit space. Analele UVT LIII Vol. 2, 75-81.
M. A. Fahmy (2015), Boundary Element Solution of 2D Coupled Problem in Anisotropic Piezoelectric FGM Plates. Proceedings of the, B. Schrefler, E. Oñate and M. Papadrakakis (eds.), 6th International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (Coupled Problems 2015), Venice. Italy, May 18-20, pp. 382-391.
M. A. Fahmy (2015), A computerized DRBEM model for 3D dynamic coupled problems in anisotropic piezoelectric FGM plates, Presented in 2nd International Conference on New Horizons in Basic and Applied Science (ICNHBAS 2015), Hurghada, Egypt, August 1-6, p. 3.
Gamal M. Mahmoud, Mansour E. Ahmed and Tarek M. Abed-Elhameed, Active control technique of fractional-order chaotic complex systems, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, (2016) 131:200 DOI :10.1140/epjp/i2016-16200-x
H. Hattab, Ezzeddine Salhi (2016) Homeomorphisms of locally finite graphs, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 15, Issue 2, pp. 481–490.
R. Mbarek, M. Tmar, H. Hattab, M. Boughanem (2016) A Re-Ranking Method Based on Irrelevant Documents in Ad-Hoc Retrieval. In SLATE 2016: 2:1-2:10.
M. A. Fahmy (2016), Numerical Modeling of Coupled Thermoelasticity with relaxation times in Rotating FGAPs Subjected to a Moving Heat Source, Physical Science International Journal, Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp. 1-13.
M. A. Fahmy and M. M. Rashid (2016), A Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Algorithm for Solving Computerized Modeling Problems of Generalized Thermo-Elasticity Theories in Rotating Functionally Graded Anisotropic Plates, Proceeding of 3rd Young Researchers Conference (YRC2016), Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, May 7-8.
M. A. Fahmy (2016), 3D DRBEM Modeling for Rotating initially stressed Anisotropic functionally graded piezoelectric Plates, 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2016) M. Papadrakakis, V. Papadopoulos, G. Stefanou, V. Plevris (eds.), Crete Island, Greece, June 5–10, pp. 7640-7658.
Gamal M. Mahmoud and Mansour E. Ahmed(2017), ANALYSIS OF CHAOTIC AND HYPERCHAOTIC CONSERVATIVE COMPLEX NONLINEAR SYSTEMS, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 18, (1) 315-326.
Gamal M. Mahmoud, Mansour E. Ahmed and Tarek M. Abed-Elhameed (2017), On fractional-order hyper chaotic complex systems and their generalized function projective combination synchronization Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 130, 398-406.
H. Hattab (2017) On Quasi-orbital space, Appl. Gen. Topol. Vol. 18, no. 1 pp. 53-59.
H. Hattab (2017) A model of quotient spaces. Topol. Algebra Appl. Vol. 5, pp. 13–18.
A. Haj Salem and H. Hattab (2017) Dendrite flows. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 16, Issue 3, pp. 623–634.
H. Hattab, R. Mbarek (2017) Linear Operators in Information Retrieval. In SLATE 2017: 23:1-23:8.
M. A. Fahmy and M. M. Rashid (2017), A boundary element algorithm for modeling the generalized thermoelastic problems of 3d anisotropic functionally graded structures, Proceeding of 4rd Young Researchers Conference (YRC2017), Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, April 29-30.
M. A. Fahmy (2017), Implicit-explicit time integration DRBEM for dynamic coupled magneto-thermoviscoelasticity problems of rotating anisotropic functionally graded solids, Presented in 3rd International Conference on New Horizons in Basic and Applied Science (ICNHBAS 2017), Hurghada, Egypt, August 5-7.
M. A. Fahmy(2017), Saleh Manea Al-Harbi and Badr Hamedy Al-Harbi (2017), Implicit Time-Stepping DRBEM for Design Sensitivity Analysis of Magneto-Thermo- Elastic FGA Structure Under Initial Stress. American Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Vol. 2, pp. 55-62.
M. A. Fahmy (2017), The Effect of Anisotropy on the Structure Optimization Using Golden-Section Search Algorithm Based on BEM, Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 25, pp. 1-18.
M. A. Fahmy (2017), DRBEM Sensitivity Analysis and Shape Optimization of Rotating Magneto-Thermo-Viscoelastic FGA Structures Using Golden-Section Search Algorithm Based on Uniform Bicubic B-Splines, Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 25, pp. 1-20.
M. A. Fahmy (2017), A Predictor-corrector Time-Stepping Drbem for Shape Design Sensitivity and Optimization of Multilayer FGA Structures, Transylvanian Review, Vol. XXV, pp. 5369-5382.
M. A. Fahmy (2017), Computerized boundary element solutions for thermoelastic problems: Applications to functionally graded anisotropic structures, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany.
M. A. Fahmy (2017), A time-stepping DRBEM for 3D anisotropic functionally graded piezoelectric structures under the influence of gravitational waves, Rodrigues H, Elnashai A, Calvi GM (eds.), Facing the Challenges in Structural Engineering, Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Proceedings of the 1st GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition (GeoMEast 2017), Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, July 15-19, pp. 350-365.
M. A. Fahmy (2017), Boundary Element Computation of Shape Sensitivity and Optimization: Applications to Functionally Graded Anisotropic Structures, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany.
A. Haj Salem and H. Hattab (2018) Group action on local dendrites . Topology and its Applications Vol. 247, pp. 91–99.
M. A. Fahmy (2018), Shape design sensitivity and optimization for two-temperature generalized magneto-thermoelastic problems using time-domain DRBEM, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Vol. 41, pp. 119-138.
M. A. Fahmy (2018), A New Computerized Boundary Element Algorithm for Cancer Modeling of Cardiac Anisotropy on the ECG Simulation, Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science, Vol. 2, pp. 1-10.
M. A. Fahmy (2018), Boundary Element Algorithm for Modeling and Simulation of Dual Phase Lag Bioheat Transfer and Biomechanics of Anisotropic Soft Tissues. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 10, pp. 1850108.
1. M. K. Aouf and T. M. Seoudy (2019), Convolution properties for classes of bounded analytic functions with complex order defined by q-derivative operator, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas, 113, no. 2, 1279–1288.
2. M. K. Aouf and T. M. Seoudy (2019), Admissible classes of multivalent functions associated with Liu-Owa integral operator, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 42, no. 9, 1253-1269.
A. Mohammed , B. Nadra, J. Fadhel, H. Jacques and Z. Nejib (2019) Analysis of the ECGI inverse problem solution with respect to the measurement boundary size and the distribution of noise. Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. Vol. 14 Number 2, 2019 (Mathematical modelling in cardiology).
Fadhel Jday and Miled Elhajji (2019) Boundary data completion for a diffusion-reaction equation by minimizing the energy error functional and applying the conjugate gradient method. Punjab University Journal of Mathematics (ISSN 1016-2526) Vol. 51(7), pp. 1-19.
Fadhel Jday and Ridha Mdimagh (2019) Uniqueness result for a fractional diffusion coefficient identification problem. Boundary Value Problems 2019, Article number: 170
Nejib Ghanmi, and Fadwa Abumuriefah (2019), On Diophantine Equation Cx^2+D=2y^q , The Ramanujan Journal, 1-9.
Nejib Ghanmi (2019), The Q-Korselt Set of pq , periodica mathematica hungarica ( In Press).
M. A. Fahmy (2019), Modeling and Optimization of Anisotropic Viscoelastic Porous Structures Using CQBEM and Moving Asymptotes Algorithm. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 44, pp. 1671-1684.
M. A. Fahmy (2019), Boundary Element Modeling and Simulation of Biothermomechanical Behavior in Anisotropic Laser-Induced Tissue Hyperthermia, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 101, pp. 156-164.
M. A. Fahmy (2019), A new LRBFCM-GBEM modeling algorithm for general solution of time fractional order dual phase lag bioheat transfer problems in functionally graded tissues, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol. 75, pp. 616-626.
M. A. Fahmy (2019), Design Optimization for A Simulation of Rotating Anisotropic Viscoelastic Porous Structures Using Time-Domain OQBEM, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 66, pp. 193-205.
M. A. Fahmy, A Computerized Boundary Element Model for Simulation and Optimization of Fractional-Order Three Temperatures Nonlinear Generalized Piezothermoelastic Problems Based on Genetic Algorithm, AIP Proceeding of Innovation and Analytics Conference and Exihibiton (IACE 2019), University Utara Malaysia, AIP Conference Proceedings 2138, pp. 030015.
M. A. Fahmy (2019), A New Boundary Element Strategy for Modeling and Simulation of Three Temperatures Nonlinear Generalized Micropolar-Magneto-Thermoelastic Wave Propagation Problems in FGA Structures, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 108, pp. 192-200.
M. A. Fahmy (2019), DRBEM Sensitivity Analysis and Shape Optimization of Rotating Magneto-Thermo-Viscoelastic FGA Structures Using DRBEM-GSS and DRBEM-NGGP Algorithms. In: Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 1, pp. 83-104
M. A. Fahmy (2019), The Effect of Anisotropy on the Structure Optimization Using BEM-GSS and BEM-NGGP Algorithms. In: Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 1, pp. 137-156
M. A. Fahmy, S. M. Al-Harbi, B. H. Al-Harbi and A. M. Sibih (2019) A Computerized Boundary Element Algorithm for Modeling and Optimization of Complex Magneto-Thermoelastic Problems in MFGA Structures. In: Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2, pp. 139-152