Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Graduation Projects

- 2023/05/13

In reference to the Bachelor’s in Biology Plan No. 37, currently applied to the department students for all the admitted classes; and whereas the program included a graduation project course at the eighth level of the aforementioned plan with 5 credit hours; and as it is the desire of the department to provide an opportunity for all the would-be graduate students to acquire laboratory skill attainment and training on scientific methods of thinking and problem solving; by the end of this course, students should be able to evaluate the different approaches used and suggest future experiences or alternative strategies to address the problem. Students should also be able to read and write a scientific report and present scientific data in a clear and easily accessible way. Accordingly, we present this page to you, based on the regulation of the department's Graduation Projects Committee, in relation to the decisions of the Department Council made during its fourth and eighth sessions in the academic year 1441 A.H.
