Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Issue 28: August, 2021 / Article-10

- 2022/09/21

Historiographic Metafiction in The Postmodern Arabic and Latin novel:  in Mawt Saġīr and Sāʿī Barīd Nayrūdā


Mohammed Lafi Allwaish Alshammari
Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Department of Arabic Language, College of Arts, Al-Jouf University
Issue: 28 | Pages: 519-581 | August 2021 |


This paper discusses the representation of historiographic metafiction in the postmodern Arabic and Latin novel. Linda Hutcheon coined the term of Historiographic metafiction. She claims that the postmodern novel contains selfreflexivity, intertextuality, parody. Although some critics see that the postmodern novel is western, Edward Saeed argues that art is “worldly”; therefore, Hutcheon sees that the postmodern novel may be “worldly”. The researcher relies on Saeed and Hutcheon to argue that the representation of historiographic metafiction may be found in Mawt Saġīr and Sāʿī Barīd Nayrūdā.


Self-reflexivity, Arabic novel, Latin novel, Parody, Narrative, Postmodernism.

How to Cite 

Alshammari, M. (2021), Historiographic Metafiction in The Postmodern Arabic and Latin novel:  in Mawt Saġīr and Sāʿī Barīd Nayrūdā, Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Language Sciences and Literature, 28, 519–581.


