Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Department Activities

- 2021/10/27
• Preparing studies relevant to excessive / stagnant brands and how to discard of them.
• Reporting what's necessary in regard to storing brands or directly discharging them.
• Keeping a monthly tally of actual stocks of some brands at warehouses in comparison with recorded stocks in brand monitoring tickets to check constancy.
• Minimizing numbers of similar brands  according to standards of Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization.
• Preparing the necessary data concerning deficiency or abundance in brand stocks according to inventory committees' forms and reports or the reports of the General Auditing Bureau.
• Taking inventory according to articles (27, 28) of governmental warehouses rules and regulations.

The Department assumes the following responsibilities and tasks:

• Keeping brand monitoring tickets and examining those tickets for the purpose of monitoring brand activities in warehouses by using them to keep record of data according to supporting documentations.
• Keeping permanent brand provision tickets discharged as a personal provisions for the employees, and the permanent brand provisions tickets discharged as a provisions for the administrations, departments and supplementary university locations.
• Keeping records of data according to supporting documents.
• Undertaking all procedures related to monitoring brand activities in the tickets. 
• Keeping regular tally of registries listed in the brand monitoring tickets in comparison to those listed in the brand tickets.  
• Limiting and following up brands reported for repair, grant, sale or damage pursuant to regular reports to be sent to the Director General of Administrative and Financial Affairs.
* Preparing  necessary studies to determine the proper levels of storage, and determine economic storage levels  to avoid decrease or increase in stored brands. Storage levels are as   
             - Minimum level: the level of brand that should be in the store.
             - Demand level: the level of brand at which new orders of the brand must be requested to avoid reaching the minimum level.  
             - High level: the level of storage of the brand. Exceeding this level is  fairly extravagant in terms of storage.
• Participating with the committees of determining levels related  to supplying warehouses of supply and emergency and sites, besides joining other committee as required. 
• Preparing studies relevant to excessive / stagnant brands and how to discard of them
• Deciding what is necessary regarding sorting the brands or  discharging them directly.
• Keeping a monthly tally of actual stocks of some brands at warehouses in comparison with recorded stocks in brand supervision tickets to check constancy.
• Minimizing numbers of similar brands  according to standards of Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization.
• Preparing the necessary data concerning deficiency or abundance in brand stocks according to inventory committees' forms and reports or the reports of the General Auditing Bureau.
• Studying inventory reports and calculating store balance and  setting  a value for it  annually.
• Taking inventory according to articles (27, 28) of governmental warehouses rules and regulations, including: 
• Including:
Total Inventory:
By taking inventory of all stored  brands in the central and branch warehouses  at one time each year by a committee or committees to be formed from individuals not responsible  for warehouses provisions or their registries by a decision of the President of the University  . Its membership should include one of the specialists in the department of inventory control and a technician if necessary.  Regarding supply, emergency or sites warehouses, taking inventory can be assigned to two members and a technician if necessary, or more under the responsibility of the head of the branch or unit.     
Total Continuous Inventory:
By taking inventory of all brands stored in the central and branch warehouses on a regular basis throughout the year by the inventory committees in coordination with the warehouse department.
Partial Inventory:
By taking sudden inventory of some stored permanent  brands.  The total inventory or partial continuous inventory might be sufficient in handing over the responsibility of the warehouses between those who are in charge of the warehouses if any one of them left the job, subject to the consent of the old and new officers and the director of the warehouses or the head of the branch or unit.    