Contributing to the provision of an ideal university environment by providing high quality financial services to all employees of the UQU.
- Developing systems for the disbursement of salaries and entitlements for UQU employees and affiliates.
- Attaining a very high level of accuracy as far as the salaries and financial entitlements are concerned.
- Increasing the level of satisfaction of the beneficiaries among UQU employees and affiliates.
- Preparing, printing, auditing, and sending the monthly payroll sheets of the Saudi academic staff members to the Financial Department.
- Preparing, printing, auditing, and sending the monthly payroll sheets of the Saudi administrative staff members to the Financial Department.
- Preparing, printing, auditing, and sending the monthly payroll sheets of the Saudi employees and those holding wage item jobs to the Financial Department.
- Preparing, printing, auditing, and sending the monthly payroll sheets of the Saudi employees holding educational and health jobs to the Financial Department.
- Preparing, printing, auditing, and sending the monthly payroll sheets of the academic staff members with Saudi-staff contracts to the Financial Department.
- Preparing, printing, auditing, and sending the monthly payroll sheets of the contracted academic staff members to the Financial Department.
- Preparing, printing, auditing, and sending the monthly payroll sheets of the contracted administrative employees to the Financial Department.
Preparing, printing, auditing, and sending the monthly payroll sheets of the contracted employees holding educational and health jobs to the Financial Department.
- Preparing individual and common documents for new contracts and appointments.
- Preparing individual and common documents for the additional lectures of academic staff members and external collaborators.
- Preparing individual and common documents for the overtime and holidays.
- Preparing individual and common documents for seconding academic staff members and employees.
- Preparing individual and common documents for discussions of Masters theses and PhD dissertations.
- Preparing individual and common documents for internal and external courses.
- Disbursing the financial entitlements for recruitment allowance, university education allowance, computer allowance, newly established college allowances, and scarcity allowance for the UQU affiliates and employees.
- Receiving and documenting incoming administrative communications and those from the Secretariat of the Deanship of Faculty Members and Employee Affairs.
- Issuing disbursement orders and monthly payroll sheets to the Financial Department.
- Preparing individual and common documents for the additional lectures of the external collaborators.
- Preparing individual and common documents for the allowances of the Councils of Departments and Colleges.
- Preparing individual and common documents for the Standing Committees, University Council, and Scientific Council.