- Appointment of official employees
- Appointment of official servants
- Appointment according to the wages order
- Appointments for illiteracy programs
- Appointment of the families of martyrs and the injured.
- Promotions of healthcare personnel
- Transfer of employees from within the university to another government agency
- Transfer of employees from outside the university to inside the university
- Job transfers with regard to the placement of university employees
- Transfer of employees to another position
- Modification of job titles (for the employees working according to the wages order)
Internal Designations
- Transferring employees within the university
- Secondment of employees from outside the university to inside the university
- Secondment of employees from inside the university to government agencies outside the university
- Secondment of employees from inside the university to private institutions and companies
- Addressing letters to seconded personnel and requesting performance evaluation for them
- Borrowing employees not covered by the civil service system to work for the university
- Hiring full-time employees
- Hiring part-time employees
- Hiring employees to perform job duties for a specified period
- Hiring employees enrolled in the 'Efficient Cadres' program
Retention of Employees
- After reaching the regular retirement period (for two months)
Extension of Service
- Extending an employee's service after converting to regular retirement
- Approving all types of the employees’ leaves
- Addressing the medical commission regarding sick leaves exceeding 30 consecutive days
Development and Training
- Carrying out dispatch - Training - Qualification verification
- Termination of dispatch - Training - Qualification verification
- Granting extra grades to administrators after dispatching them
- Granting extra grades to health practitioners
- Awarding the excellence reward to trainees
Termination of Appointments
Termination of Employments
- Termination of the employee's services due to his resignation
- Termination of the employee's services due to early retirement
- Termination of the employee's services due to retirement upon reaching the statutory retirement age
- Termination of the employee's services due to job termination
- Termination of the employee's services due to health disabilities
- Termination of the employee's services due to his dismissal for disciplinary reasons
- Termination of the employee's services due to his dismissal by a royal order or a ministerial decision
- Termination of the employee's services due to failure to implement a transfer decision within (15) days, without a legitimate excuse
- Termination of the employee's services due to interruption from work, without a legitimate excuse, for a period of (15) consecutive days or (30) separate days during the year preceding the issuance of the end of service decision
- Termination of the employee's services due to loss, withdrawal or deprivation of nationality
- Termination of the employee's services due to receiving (unsatisfactory) performance evaluation three times in a row
- Termination of the employee's services due to his death
Allowances and Bonuses
- Nature-of-work allowances
- Transfer allowances
- Transportation allowances
- Allowance for full-time and part-time attendance, for health practitioners
- Damage, infection and danger allowances
- Excellence, scarcity, training and supervision allowances
- Driver allowance
- Bonuses for handling public funds
- Bonuses for delivering mail
- Committee bonuses
- Assigning off-the-clock work to employees
- Disbursing off-the-clock compensation
- Disbursing the dues of internal and external mandates
- Disbursing the dues of internal and external training courses
- Committees
- Leave compensation after the end of service
Disciplinary Penalties, Deductions, and Suspension of Employees
Disciplinary Penalties
- Implementing disciplinary penalties (drawing attention, warning, blaming)
- Lifting disciplinary penalties
- Implementing decisions to make deductions
- Implementing decisions to cancel deductions
Suspension of Employees
- Implementing decisions related to the suspension of employees
- Implementing decisions related to the cancellation of work suspensions