Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Message of the Department

- 2019/02/13

In the name of merciful god

Praise be to Allah and may praise and peace be upon the Messenger of God and his companions and family.

Welcome to the Department of Electrical Engineering at the College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture..

 The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer at Umm Al-Qura University (UQU) was established as one of the departments of the UQU College of Applied Sciences in 1406H. In 1408H,  the College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture was established and included the Departments of Engineering, included the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer and then the Computer became an independent department in 1421H to change the name of the department to its current name “the Department of Electrical Engineering”.

The Department awards the bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering in two specialty:

1- Electrical Power Engineering.

2- Electronics and Communication Engineering.

The master’s program is still under study and will be announced soon. 

The Department does its best to prepare its graduates to be of high scientific and technical competence to contribute to the prosperity and advancement of the country, be viable components strong in building the country and be from the leaders and investors in their engineering fields in particular and their lives in general.

For the sake of this, the Department seeks attracting outstanding faculty members who hold their academic certificates from the finest universities in the world and are known for their scientific, research and technical excellence. Moreover, the Department always seeks developing its performance and enhancing its output through being in contact with the industry via the Industrial Development Authority, in addition to contacting the graduates to benefit from their practical experience.

The Department is proud of the variety of the scientific experience of its academic institute, represented in a number of researchers and specialized academics in different fields of electrical engineering. The Department’s faculty members contribute effectively in the scientific researches and the efforts in the academic development, in addition to their various participations and initiatives on the internal and external levels.

It is also proud of its graduates who proved high credentials in the field of the scientific research by getting the highest scientific grades from the most prestigious universities in the United States, Europe, Australia and Japan. This is in addition to their practical excellence in the mega companies, such as Saudi Aramco, SABIC, Saudi Airlines, Saudi Telecom Company and others of the engineering and innovating business institutions.

Thanks to God then the support of the UQU higher administration, College’s cadres and the efforts of officials in the department and its previous heads; the Department was awarded ABET (Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology) USA by the end of summer 2012, corresponding to Shawwal 7, 1433H, which was fortunately with no notes. This is a rare case for the programs that is being evaluated for the first time. The graduates of the department benefit from this accreditation since October 1, 2010.

May God help the Department’s affiliates in doing their jobs to the fullest and to make their educational and research efforts a success. May God facilitates the ways of success for the Department’s affiliates and students to contribute to the prosperity of the precious country and to bring it to be one of the top-ranked countries.


The Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering

