Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Saudi Scientific Society for Waqf Journal

- 2017/11/15


1- Journal name, domain and objectives

A. Name: Awqaf, a scientific review journal.

B. Specialty: All waqf-related studies

C. Objectives:

  1. To publish researches, scientific studies, articles, and waqf society objective-related news
  2. To enrich scientific movement in the mentioned fields and give the opportunity to researchers to publish their work.
  3. To contribute to spreading the concepts of waqf and its related studies and dissolve any misconceptions

2-Journal Main Subjects:

  1. Waqf-related scientific researches
  2. Waqf-related articles
  3. Review and critiques of scientific researches and other waqf-related investigations
  4. Waqf-related scientific news.
  5. Special Waqf academic dissertations
  6. Waqf-related manuscript studies
  7. Summary in English.

3- Journal Issue: It's issued twice a year (Hijri year) and occasionally 4 times a year if needed.

4- Journal Editorial and Decisions

  1. The journal is run under supervision of the society's board of directors. It's annual report and minutes are subject to the chairman's approval.
  2. Editorial Board consists of 6 full members, including Editor-in-Chief. Member's academic rank must be Associate Professor at least. Two thirds of members must be from the university affiliated to the administrative branch of the society. Editor-in-Chief recommends members to the board of directors for approval of a term of 3 years (can be renewed twice).
  3. Editor-in-Chief is appointed by the board by recommendation of the chairman for a term of 3 years (can be renewed twice).
  4. The editorial board chooses one of its members for secretariat and editing-in-chief.
  5. Editorial board convenes once every two months at the invitation of Editor-in-Chief
  6. Editorial board decisions are issued by absolute majority. Sessions are held only with the attendance of two thirds of the editorial board members. In case of equal votes, the editor-in-chief's side shall prevail.

5 - Publishing Rules

The journal publishes academic material as per the following rules:

  1. Material presented must have not be published before (or presented to other publisher at the same time)
  2. Material must be waqf-related.
  3. Originality, innovation, and creativity
  4. Scientific research standards and methods must be observed.
  5. Work must be Waqf-related
  6. Material cannot be parts from previously published work of the researcher (including Master's or PhD thesis)
  7. The minimum research volume is 10 pages; maximum is 100 pages per issue. Editorial board may make exception when necessary.
  8. A half page overview must accompany the publication for introduction.
  9. Short background about author, his major academic works an contact details must accompany the material to be published.
  10. 5 copies of the work are to be provided with original
  11. Researches submitted for publication must go through arbitration

6- Scientific Material Liability: Researcher shall be liable for the scientific material submitted to the journal for publication.

7 - Review and Judgment Rules and Rewards

  1. Scientific researches presented for publication are subject to review by specialists from faculty members.
  2. Judges are selected by the editorial board. Judges must at least hold Assistant Professor rank at least if the researcher is an instructor or TA; Associate Professor rank if the researcher is an Associate Professor; and a Professor if the researcher is an Assistant or Associate Professor.
  3. 3 judges are selected for review; 2 main judges and a reserve third judge to operate in the following conditions:
  • Withdrawal of one of the judges.
  • Report submission delay

 The third judge gives weight to a decision when the 2 main judges disagree on the validity of the material.

Each judge receives a token reward of maximum SAR 500.

A main judge loses right to reward in case the third judge was assigned to perform the review subject to paragraph H of Article 8.

8- Publishing Executive Procedures:

Materials are received in two ways:

  • By hand to the editor-in-chief
  • By post to the journals' address
  1. Editor-in-chief shall confirm receipt of scientific material by post .
  2. Scientific material is presented to the editorial board for initial review to verify meeting the journal publishing requirements.
  3. Scientific material that doesn't meet publication rules are sent back to owner. Missing aspects may be indicated at the editorial board's discretion.
  4. As indicted before, the editorial board shall select 3 judges to review the initially approved material (reserve third judge is to be an alternative subject to paragraph C of Article 7)
  5. The scientific material is anonymized before presentation to judges.
  6. Editor-in-Chief then posts the scientific material to the judges' address.
  7. Judges are allowed a maximum month to write a report on the scientific material they received. In case of delay from their side, the editor-in-chief shall send two notices over two weeks. Afterwards, an alternative judge shall serve in case of receiving no response.
  8. Upon receiving judge reports, the editorial board review the results to issue a decision based on the following:
  9. Approval is issued upon the two judges' decision as to the scientific material's validity for publishing
  10. If either judge has modification notes, a copy there of is sent to the material owner for editing.
  11. In case of disagreement on validity for publishing between the two main judges, the third judge shall give weight to either opinion .
  12. If both judges agree on invalidity, the owner is notified of publishing rejection.
  13. Upon receiving modifications as per item 2 of paragraph I of Article 8, it shall be presented to the editorial board for approval or returning it to the judge who made notes of modification.
  14. Editor-in-chief shall notify the scientific material author of approval and the publication issue.
  15. Scientific materials are put in order as per field (researches, investigations, critiques, scientific news)
  16. Every party to journal issue, including: authors, investigative journalists, or critics shall receive 5 free copies of the issue and 10 special excerpts of their subjects.

