Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Membership: Conditions and Procedures

- 2017/11/15

Society has 3 types of memberships:

1- Full Membership Conditions:

A- Applicant must have a scientific degree or equivalent in religious sciences or laws

B- To be resident in Saudi Arabia

C- Payment of annual subscription fees

D - Any other requirements imposed by the Chairman

E -Approval from Board of Directors

2- Honorary Membership

  It's granted by the general assembly to those who contributed to the society's domain of work or offered moral or financial assistance. Honorary members are exempt from registration and subscription fees. They may attend the general assembly's meetings, participates in other society's committees and discussions without voting for decisions or elections.Honorary membership procedures:

  1. Honorary member is to be recommended by one or more full members
  2. The full member shall provide a report on the candidate with details on their scientific work and their activities.
  3. Candidature to be presented to the Board of Directors for review
  4. Candidature to be presented to the general assembly approval.
  5. Chairman of the Board shall communicate the General Assembly's decision to the honorary membership candidate
  6. Honorary membership ends in the following cases:
    1.  Member's death
    2.  Member withdrawal
  7. Membership applicant must be: good reputation, no criminal record
  8. Applications for full or affiliation memberships shall be addressed to the Chairman in the related form.
  9. Applicants shall receive a written notice of the board's decision
  10. Board of Directors may add other membership conditions

3- Affiliation Membership

This membership is for university students specialized in the society's domain, Waqf workers and enthusiasts who don't have the related scientific degree required for full membership. Affiliated members pay 50% annual subscription fees and may attend sessions and participate in committees without voting.

Membership Termination

Membership ends in the following cases:

  1. Member's death or withdrawal
  2. Default on annual subscription fees for a full year. Membership is terminated only after sending the defaulted member a late subscription payment notice in the last 3 months of the year, indicating termination in case of non-payment.
  3. Disqualification over loss of a membership requirements
  4. Any activity that may cause a material or moral damage to the society. Before termination, investigation by the board is in order to prove the member in question's responsibility for such damage. However, termination shall not be active without the board's decision. Member shall receive a termination notice within 2 weeks of decision issue. Terminated member have no right to refund of subscription, fees, donations, or gifts.

Membership Reinstation

Membership may be reinstate at request of the member after removing the cause of termination and obtaining the board's approval.

