Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Summer Training

- 2022/05/23

Practical training is one of the cornerstones of academic programs at Department of Chemistry. It reflects the core of UQU and College of Applied Sciences' general objectives of pursuing high quality for education and science in concert with the related community institutions. Training aims to give students an insight into job market during their academic years; and equips them with important practical skills in their various chemistry branches, including: abiding to work ethics, encouraging creativity, and teamwork skills. Those skills serve as early experience to help graduates usher into job market.

 Chemistry department formed a special committee for student training affairs that coordinates between the department and the faculty members assigned to supervising student training and trainees. Such coordinations are meant to enroll students under supervision of the concerned academic supervisor and the field training officer at the institution offering training. Objectives of the Committee:

  •  Strengthening relations between UQU.and institutions in both private and public sectors
  •  Providing training opportunities in coordination with the department and institutions offering training within KSA
  •  Guiding graduates to suitable job markets
  •  Finding training opportunities through organization of companies and institutions trainings fairs
  •  Furnishing students with details related to training and recruitment through
  •  Establishing database of companies and institutions that are ready to provide trainings within KSA
  •  Conducting field visits to different companies and institutions
  •  Inviting companies and institutions to visit chemistry department and hold trainings and workshops
  •  Providing chemistry department with a list of institutions ready to offer training to students
  •  Regular review and evaluation of institutions offering training opportunities post each training period in coordination with colleges to identify the disqualified institutions
  •  Providing internal training opportunities to students within department

