Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Titles of Graduation Projects at the Technical Room in Computer Lab No. 5 (Al-Zahir)

- 2021/09/09

Titles of Graduation Projects at the Technical Room in Computer Lab No. 5 (Al-Zahir)


1424 A.H.

Serial Number

Project Title

003 ا د ن

مشروع نظام حوسبة الصحة المدرسية

232 ب ا خ

الخدمات البنكية في المنازل

658 ب م م

مشروع إدارة محلات الخياطة والتفصيل الرجالية

025 م ر م

ميكنة الإدارة في كلية العلوم الصحية

272 ق ر ا

Easy English Learning

151 ا ع ت

Software Development Tools for Library Design and implementation

2006 A.C.

Serial Number

Project Title

300 ب م ب

بناء نظام متكامل لجمعية البر الخيرية

317 ع آ ت

التعلم الإلكتروني بناء مواقع التعليم عن بعد

003 غ د ب

مشروع بناء نظام متكامل لمركز التأهيل الشامل لرعاية المعاقين بمكة المكرمة مرتبط بالشبكة العنكبوتية العالمية للمعلومات

004 ص ا م

مشروع إنشاء محرك بحث الطب البديل

2007 A.C.

Serial Number

Project Title

200 ب خ د

دليل التجول في جامعة أم القرى

003 م آ ب

بناء نظام معلومات نادي الحمائم المكية مرتبط بالشبكة العنكبوتية

003 ب ا ب

مشروع بناء نظام متكامل وموقع إلكتروني لبيت الطفل لرعاية الأيتام

371 م ر ع

علاج الأطفال المصابين بسرطان الدم اللمفاوي الحاد باستخدام الواقع الافتراضي

1428 A.H.

Serial Number

Project Title

005 س ر م

مشروع إلكتروني للتعليم عن بعد Distance Learning Web Site

003 ح ا ب

مشروع بناء نظام متكامل لمستشفى الملك عبدالعزيز بالزاهر بالعاصمة المقدسة مرتبط بالشبكة العنكبوتية

004 J A E

Electronic Computer Science Education (ECSE)

500 A A T

The Academic Office of the Medical College of Umm Al-Qura University

003 K A T

The Project of Building a Complete System linked to a Website on the World Wide Web for the Professionals

005 ع ر م

موقع مرض السكر للوقاية والعلاج

003 ع ا ب

مشروع بناء نظام متكامل للإدارة العامة للمشاريع بمؤسسة الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز آل سعود لوالديه للإسكان التنموي

003 م ا ب

مشروع بناء نظام متكامل لكلية خدمة المجتمع والتعليم المستمر بجامعة أم القرى

003 س ا ن

نظام جمعية مراكز الأحياء بمكة المكرمة

003 ظ ا ب

بناء نظام متكامل مرتبط بالشبكة العنكبوتية للدراسات العليا بكلية الدعوة وأصول الدين بجامعة أم القرى ويضم نواة منظومة التعليم الإلكتروني للكلية

003 ع ا ن

نظام استعلام للفتاوى الخاصة بالمعاقين

006 ج ا ش

الشبكات العصبية الاصطناعية

005 ع ا خ

الخوارزميات الجينية

006 B A R

Research of the Neural Networks

2009 A.C.

Serial Number

Project Title

003 ق ا ب

بناء نظام متكامل لوكالة عمادة شؤون الطلاب للأنشطة والشؤون الثقافية والاجتماعية وربطه بالشبكة العنكبوتية

025 إ أ م

ميكنة القبول والتسجيل للمستجدات على الموقع الإلكتروني

003 م ا ا

مشروع إنشاء نظام متكامل لمركز مكة للتدريب وتوطين الوظائف

003 س ا ن

نظام معلومات لمركز التكافل الاجتماعي الخيري لغسيل الكلى بمكة المكرمة

003 ج ا ب

بناء نظام معلومات متكامل لوكالة كلية الطب لشؤون المستشفيات مرتبط بالشبكة العنكبوتية

2010 A.C.

Serial Number

Project Title

005 S R G

Generic Algorithms

004 M M S

Study of Effect of Feature Selection Approaches on Classification Accuracy of Network Traffic

378 غ ا م

ميكنة الاستعدادات لإقامة حفل تخرج جامعة أم القرى

621 ق ا ا

مشروع بحث الاختبار الإلكتروني لأطفال الديسليكسيا

003 س ا ن

النظام الجغرافي الإلكتروني لإرشاد الحجاج بمنى

003 A M R

Graduation Project Re design Computer Science College web Site

003 E A E

Graduation Project E-Tailor System for Men

300 T H I

Intelligent Information System for First Aid

2011 A.C.

Serial Number

Project Title

003 A A G

Graduation Project Report Multi-level Spam Filtering System

003 A H P

Project Allocation System

004.678 B D D

Detailed Analysis of Steal-on-Abort

005 A R A

Arabic Sign Language Recognition System Based on Computer Vision Technique (B K M)

600 G A W

Web Based Information System for Primary School

025 S A S

Self-Service Checkout Using RFID

003 H A C

Course Allocator and Timetabler

005.133 Y A H

Hide Me

025 H B S

Smart Library System Using RFID Technology

00.1.678 S N A

Automatic Quality Inspection of Gelatin Capsules in Pharmaceutical Applications


Comparing and Analyzing BIT Torrent and Gnutella P2P


Protocols and Proposing a New Query Method Based on the Study

300 A A T

The Road to the Center of Universe

006.7 E A A

Automated Metadata Extraction form Multimedia

629 A H D

Drive It

520 A E A

A Visit to the Space Project

004 A F P

Porting Steal-on-Abort to RSTM 5

353.5 Z N D

Dynamic Web Services Mash up for Hajj and Umrah Pilgrims

300 B A C

College Student system

651.5 M A E

Electronic Health Record Build Six Components of HER

351.0285 E M E

Electronic Elections for members of municipal councils

500 F T H

Hajj Step by Step Software (Fully Supporting Blind Users)

001.6 O A D

Designing an E-workshop Website for Project Research(DWEPR)

362.50862 F O A

Adding Emotional Tag to Augment Context Awareness in Social Network Services

2012 A.C.

Serial Number

Project Title

004.678 B B D

Develop and android Application Turn Smartphone into Virtual garage Door Remote

003 S R E

Electronic Medical Records Eyes Hospital System (EMR)

370.1 H F E


004.678 S W A

A New Application in Smartphone DR.MED BR

004.678 B A T

Transfer Incident Data By ATS Android Application on SmartPhone

001.64 E A J

Java-Based Educational Visual Programming Language

003 M A G

GPSystem Web-Based System

003 T S M

Mechanisms to Improve Routing Information Protocol Version 2

003 B D O

Online Signature Verification System for Employees Attendance

003 Z A M

Medical Insurance System for ELAF Company

003 S A I

Intelligent Transportation System a Wireless and computer system for the management of pilgrims

004.678 J N H

Hajj Guider iphone Application

003 B N I

Intelligent Palm Print Based Personal Identification System

003 O R D

Development of a Global Positioning System Simulator (GPS)

003 S A F

Face Recognition System For Automatic Login Application

003 M E A

An Automated City Parking System ACB

612.14 A A C

Compression Ratio Estimation

001.64 A H R

Royal Hotel Software

353.5 J M F

Filtering Arabic Spam E-mail

351.0285 R N E

Electronic Service Portal

003 J A E

E-Attendance by Using Fingerprint for UQU Students

2013 A.C.

Serial Number

Project Title

004.678 B A S

Smart Application for Hajj Guide Mobile Enabled

001.64 H A E

Euclidean-Geometry Proofs Using Logic Programming

004.678 S S Q

Quick Response Code Application For Traffic Violations

004.678 B G A

Automatic Timetable System

004.678 T A H

Helping Autistic Children Using and Android Application

003 Q M B

Booking in Appropriate Campaign of Hajj or pilgrims in Saudi Arabia

003 S A I

Intelligent Bus System for University Students Transportation

004.678 N B W

Worst-Case Execution-Time Analysis (WCET)

003 S A E

Electronic Recruiting System

003 S N A

Accessible Smart Taxi

004.678 A A U

UQU Guiding Application

371.9 B A P

Primary Developmental Learning Disabilities

370.3 M H U

Utilizing RFID Technology to Project disabled People Parking

003 S D R

RFID-Based indoor Navigation System for visually impaired

003 L A S

Saudi Caller info

003 B A E

E-diagnosis for Pilgrims

410.05 H A T

Tool Support to Assist Second Language Learners to Avoid incorrect Collocations

003 H H P

Patients Documentation Services


Reliable Guide For Umm Al-Qura University


Automatic Nurserv Service For Permanent Disease Patients (ANS)

004.678 S S O

Optimal Services Discovery for Visitors of Makkah

003 N A T

The Pilgrim Identity and Residence Information System

003 S A V

Virtual Training Environment For Emergency Evacuation of Al-Haram

2014 A.C.

Serial Number

Project Title

001.64 A A T

The Slacker Terminator

003 J N V

Virtual Arabic Alphabet For Autistic Children

004.678 O S W

Waiting Pulse Application a Smartphone Application For Minimizing waiting time in Hospitals and Health Centers


Prediction of Blood Glucose Levels For Diabetics Based on linear & Polynomial Regression Analysis . Prevent . Caring . Diabetics

003 T S S

Smart Fire Alarm System

003 H S W

wAKAN E-Student Organizer

003 B K A

Arabic Calligraphy Teaching System

004.678 J H M

My Pharmacy Application Medicine Description For blind people

003 S R T

Talk Buddy; Assisting Autistic Children to Build Arabic Sentences

004.678 A H O

Object Detection Using MainStorm Robot

004.678 H M C

Comparison of transactional memory implementations

004.678 T A P

PC and Android Based Dedicated Communication tool for Student and Teachers

001.64 N L S

Software Teaching Aid for the course data Structures and algorithms

004.678 S A I

Inelegant Activity Monitoring and Healthcare Guidance Application for Smart Phones

004.678 J E A

Assessment of Fruit Quality Using Image Possessing techniques

004.678 S A E

Emergency Medical Serves Application (EMS)

003 S M N

A Virtual World For Education Computer Components and How they work

004.678 H S B

B-Safe Monitoring Children,s vital Signs Using Smartphones

004.678 A R Q



Mobile Based Electronic Medical Records


Graduation Project Organizer


A Prototype for Enhancing Object Display Via Augmented Reality


Exam Assistant (Exam Management System)


Keta Book


My School Society


Online Medical Information System for Sudia Arabia


Estate Broker Application


Modeling and Animation of crowd Panic Behaviors


Concise Collocations Checker to Support ESOL Learner


Cat To Human Language Translation Application Meow Thinking


Smartphone Application Government Complaints


Task It Phone Application


Guidance in Al-Masjid Al-Haram Using Interactive Dynamics Maps Based on Wireless Sensors Network




Automated Fatwa and lectures By Voice Recognition (AFLVR)


E-Ticket Electronic Ticketing Application For Football Stadiums in Saudi Arabia


An Educational Application Deaf and Dumb Sign Language on Android System (HSA)


Pick Systematic for System Broadcasting School SBSSP Student of Up


Vigour :CIS Ivents Organizer


A alij


User Alert Protector and Android App

2015 A.C.

Serial Number

Project Title


Design Intelligent Guide System For Sudia Arabia


Umm Al-Qura University Ivents (UQU Ivents)


Feature Electronic Signature in the Application Of Bank


Finger-vein Recognition System For ATM


Emergency Road Services


History Representing Application Using Augmented Reality


Makkah & Al-Madinah Historical Markers Application


Development of reading level in society Reader Birth


Easy Car Rental Application


SUCCINCT A collocation Checker to Support ESOL Writing Skill


Salons Around Me


Shared Whiteboard Using the leap Motion for Drawing UML Diagrams


The status of Crowd Management in Arafat District


Pain Management and Monitoring System by Smartphone Application


Edutainment Video Game for Teaching Children How to Play


Area Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Network


Adaptive Serious Games Platform for Physical Rehabilitation


Children Vaccination Management System

2016 A.C.

Serial Number

Project Title


Smart Restaurant Application Using Beacon Technology


To Do Social Application TDSA


Identifying Lost Pilgrims By Fingerprint (IDENTITY)


Entertainment Automated Code Generation Game (EACG)


E-Waste Application for Makkah Graduation Project


Identifying The Best Student Class Schedule Using Artificial Intelligence Smart Schedule




Smart Restaurant Application(SRA)


Online Projects Labrary


Deaf-Mute Assistant




Real Time Blind Source Separation Based on ICA


How To Makeup Application


Be an Aid


Prohibitions Alerting System Based on GPS Technology (PASGT)


A Survey on the Development of Multi-Font Arabic Optical Character Recognition


Medical Treatment


My UQU app: Your Guide on Campus


NiESDM WebApp for (autistic children)


(UNIBUS) : Application for Scheduling Students and University Buses in Efficient Way


TechnoBUS Application Using Beacon Technology


AliveMath Application


Support System for chidern with diabetes in Saudi Arabia


Smart University System


Kindergarten evaluation system


Soquia Zamzam Project of King Abdul-Aziz for Soquia Zamzam


Intelligent Oven Using Raspberry pi


Islamic History Application using Augmented Reality Technology


Intelligent Cup


Smart shopping Application

2017 A.C.

Serial Number

Project Title


Keyless System (Smart Door Using speaker Identification Technology)


Help Lost Visitor of AL Haram by Face recognition and Global Positioning System (HLVFRGPS)


Mobile Application for Railway Ticket Reservation System


Saudi Estates


Journey Application


Sentiment Based Quran Audio Player


A Management System for Shared Facilities and Equipment at UQU


Alzheimer’s Patient Tracking System Using Arduino


AIIergy Expert Project


A Smart Shopping application for blind people Using RFID


Kid’s Kingdom Application (Application to service Kindergarten)


Developing The Tourist Guide for The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia using Mixed Reality


The Voice Enabled Email Application For Saudi Blind Community (Smartphone Application)


Food Allergy Alert(Smartphone Application Using QR and Barcode Technology)


A R S L App (Arabic sign language ) Using Augmented Reality


Smart Medical Watch with Audible First Aid


Smart Home Pharmacy by Augmented Reality Technology


Product sentiment Analysis Over Time in twitter


Computer Science Student Assistant Using Smart Phone Application


Reminder System for Alzheimer Patient Using Face Recognition

Undefined Years

Serial Number

Project Title

651.5 M H M

My Health

500 A H Q

SMART LAB Quick Dynamic and Intelligent Way to Monitor and Control Activities in Labs

004.678 O F A

Automatic Attendance Using RFID

300 N H U

Using KNN Algorithm for Network Traffic Anomaly Detection and Studying the Performance with different Datasets

003 ظ ا ب

بناء نظام متكامل للجمعية الخيرية لرعاية الأيتام بمكة المكرمة

005 م ح م

موقع على الإنترنت باسم موسوعة جينيس العالمية للبرامج

380 ه ا ت

التسوق الإلكتروني

003 ا ا ن

مشروع النظام المتكامل لمعهد الدراسات القرآنية للبنات بمكة المكرمة

600 ش ا د

الدليل الإلكتروني لمدينة مكة المكرمة

371 ص ا ع

علاج الشلل الناجم عن الجلطة الدماغية باستخدام الواقع الافتراضي

380 ك ب ك

Quick Net for E- Business

005 ع ع د

قاعدة بيانات المستوصف

003 K R A

An Image Search System (AISS)

004.678 M H S

Study and Analysis of DDoS Attacks Using Simulation

004 م ر ا

آلة بحث على شبكة الإنترنت تدعم اللغة العربية للإجابة على الأسئلة

003 ق ع ن

نظام معلومات للمدارس النسائية للعلوم الشرعية

003 ر ع ن

نظام معلومات للتحقيق في قضايا الاعتداء على المال

003 H M V

University Attendance System

005 ش د ن

مشروع نادي ونظام قسم علوم الحاسب الآلي شطر الطالبات

300 F A C

Intelligent System for Project College of Computer & Information Systems

343 م ر ا

مشروع إدارة مجموعة استثمارية (بيع الأجهزة الكهربائية والإلكترونية)

250.5025 H W F

Finding MISSED Pilgrims Using RFID

300 H R C

College Faculty System

004.678 G A T

Test-Data Generation for Real-Time

025 ف ف م

ميكنة مكتبة عامة

003 ش ا ت

تطبيق لنظام التحكم عن بعد عن طريق ربطه لاسلكياً بنموذج لنظام المراقبة

371 J H E

نظام التعليم الإلكتروني

006 A F W

تواصل موقع على شبكة الإنترنت لمكتب الدعوة والإرشاد وتوعية الجاليات بمكة المكرمة

003 I N E

Electronic Services System

003 M E F

Freelancing Bidding Website Get Task (GT) System

004.678 G R H

هيا لنحج ونعتمر (لعبة مغامرة إلكترونية ثلاثية الأبعاد)

