Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Questionnaire to Study the Volunteers’ Interests and Choices

Questionnaire to Study the Volunteers’ Interests and Choices

     From : - 2020/02/29 م , To : - 2030/03/02 م

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    Questionnaire to Study the Volunteers’ Interests and Choices

     This questionnaire was created by the Voluntary Work Unit at the College of Computing in Al-Qunfudhah. It aims to compile a list of the names of applicants who wish to participate in voluntary work, and to learn about their interests and wishes in order to serve and benefit them in a manner that suits their aspirations. The results of the questionnaire will be studied to learn about the best methods that will enable the volunteers and the society to have an outstanding experience. We strive to offer volunteering opportunities that suit the volunteers’ aspirations and wishes. We will contact you later (Allah willing) when these opportunities become available. In case you have any enquiries or remarks, please contact us via the following email: With all respect and appreciation.

    Your Interests and Experience in the Field of Volunteering

    * 1- Are you interested in the field of volunteering o? Do you wish to volunteer?

    * Are you volunteering currently?

     3- If you answered in affirmative or volunteered in the past, what are the organizations in which you worked?

     4- If you answered in affirmative, how many volunteering hours did you offer per week?

    Your Choices and Tendencies in the Field of Volunteering

    * 1- How many volunteering hours you wish to offer per week?

    * 2- What are the skills you use or wish to use? (You can select more than one option.)

     ‘Others’: Please indicate.

     What the skills do you wish to learn during volunteering?

    * 4- What characteristics do you wish to be available at the team or group? (You can select more than one option.)

     ‘Others’: Please indicate.

     5- Do you have any suggestions for the voluntary initiatives and activities?

     Mobile Number

    It should start with 966.
