For the First Time in the Kingdom, a Defense of a Doctoral Thesis in France at the UQU Studios - Mathematics - Jamoum University College - Jamoum University College | Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

For the First Time in the Kingdom, a Defense of a Doctoral Thesis in France at the UQU Studios

Featured News , Participations ,
Added on - 2019/12/06  |  اخر تعديل - 2019/12/06

Dr. Al-Hawete Al-Sasi Al-Hattab, an academic member at the Mathematics Department at Jamoum University College, attended the defense today, Friday, 09 Rabi` Al-Thani 1441 A.H., of a doctoral thesis for one of his students registered at the University of Toulon, France, at the studios of the Deanship of E-Learning at Umm Al-Qura University, using the (Video Conference) technique.

Firstly by Allah's Grace, and then the efforts of the technical capabilities available at the university, and under the supervision of experienced engineers, the defense took place in distinguished circumstances. The participants in France praised the quality of the sound and image.
