The College of Education is announcing the defense of master’s thesis presented by Abdul-Hadi Zabin Al-Qathami under the title درجة تنمية معلمي التربية الإسلامية مهارات ما وراء المعرفة لدى تلاميذ الصفوف العليا من المرحلة الابتدائية بمحافظة الطائف
(Degree of developing beyond knowledge skills by Islamic Education Instructors amongst students of the higher classes of the primary schools level in Al-Taif province).
The defense is scheduled for Wednesday, Jumada Al-Thani 12, 1439 AH, at 1:00 PM, Hall No. 113, College of Education.
The panel consists of Prof. Abdul-Rahman Abdullah Al-Malki, Rapporteur; Prof. Fareed Ali Yahya Al-Ghamdi, Examiner, and Prof. Hamad Murdi Al-Kalthem, Examiner.