Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

An Introductory Meeting on the Themes of the Eleventh Scientific Meeting for the Female Students of the College of Computers

Featured Events
2019/11/07 AC

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An Introductory Meeting on the Themes of the Eleventh Scientific Meeting for the Female Students of the College of Computers

General invitation to the female students of the College of Computers and Information Systems

Do you have a unique talent or project?

Learn about the themes of the Eleventh Scientific Meeting and the mechanism of participating in it. An introductory meeting for the Eleventh Scientific Meeting will be held on Monday in Sharhabil Hall.

Period: 1 days
Starts At: 2019/11/04 - 09:00 - AM


19/11/04 19/11/04
The Eleventh Scientific Meeting