جامعة أم القرى
الأبحاث الطلابية لمشاريع التخرج
الأبحاث الطلابية لمشروع التخرج
- Are There Any Postural Instability In Diabetic Patient ?
- Assessment of balance in Parkinson disease a case control study
- Assessment of isometric, concentric, eccentric muscle strength in patient with knee osteoarthritis
- Correlation Between Balance and Cognition (1432-1433)
- Does Magnetic Therapy Effective on Improving Balance Deficits in Diabetic Polyneuropathy?
- Effect of 1064-nm Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser on fungal growth. In-vitro Study
- Effect of High Intensity Pulsed Laser Therapy Versus Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound in Treatment of Osteoporosis of Saudi Men
- Effect of pulsed high intensity Nd YAG laser on healing of full thickness burn An experimental study
- Effects of Smoking on Adults Lung Age and Ventilatory Function
- Efficacy of HILT in treatment of low back dysfunction
- Isokinetic analysis for lifting in Low back dysfunction
- Trunk performance in normal and low back pain subjects
- laser therapy in the treatment of patients with knee
- Efficacy of high intensity laser therapy in the treatment of Neck pain.
- Comparison of cervical range of motion and peak isometric neck muscle strength between normal and subjects with chronic neck pain. a case control study.
- Thermal build-up, decay and retention responses to local application of High Intensity Laser Therapy: A prospective randomized study in healthy adults.