Providing the supplies needed for the exams, such as sheets of paper, pens, envelopes, stationary items, etc.
Organizing the distribution of the invigilation over the academic and cooperative staff, according to the number of students and the capacity of halls, and following up the implementation of the tasks assigned.
Receiving the answer papers of the midterm and final exams, samples of the questions, student attendance sheets, samples of the students' works during different semesters, and final transcripts signed by the course professor.
Reviewing the student transcripts.
Receiving reports on courses (paper and electronic).
Handing out everything related to the course file to the Quality Unit.
Receiving and reviewing the cheating reports, and submitting them to the head of the department.
Announcing the Exam Regulations to the students.
Presenting a report on the work of the committee at the end of each semester.