Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

About the Journal

- 2019/09/27

About the Journal

The UQU Journal of Language Sciences and Literature is considered to be an extension of the UQU Journal of Shari`ah Sciences and Arabic Language, which was released in 1419 A.H. (1999 A.C.). Twenty issues of this journal were released up until 1428 A.H. (2007 A.C). The UQU Academic Council then issued a decision on 13 Muharram 1429 A.H. to change the names of some UQU scientific journals and establish seven new journals, each of which is specialized in one of the fields of human knowledge. As part of this process, the UQU Journal of Language Sciences and Literature was established. It initiated research production in 1429 A.H., and started to publish linguistic, literary, critical, and stylistic research papers, which are based on old and modern theoretical and applied approaches. Moreover, this journal has published research papers based on a careful analytical reading of heritage in light of modern linguistics and the multiplicity of critical, literary, and linguistic theories and approaches.

The first issue was published in Muharram 1430 A.H. It is a semi-annual journal which publishes research papers in Arabic and English and receives papers written in French, German, and other languages.


To be a leading journal in the publication of scientific research specializing in linguistics and literature, and to be a world-class scientific journal.


To publish scientific research based on objective, scientific, and methodological trends in the field of languages and literature and their different branches, within the framework of international quality standards in scientific research.


To publish the latest original and distinguished scientific research in the journal's areas of interest, and to focus on the following aspects of scientific research: writing, verification, translation, and application of the latest theories, trends, and approaches in language and literature, criticism and different styles of writing, and the learning of foreign languages.

Current Issue 

24th Issue (Muharram 1441 A.H./September 2019 A.C.)

Previous Issues

Issues from 1 to 23 are available on the UQU website in PDF format.

Achievements of the Journal

The journal has been published in its new edition since 1430 A.H. (2009 A.C.). Twenty-four issues have been released so far; two issues per year. The journal intends to increase the number of issues it releases to four per year (Allah willing).

The total number of research papers published in Arabic and English in the journal is 150, covering all the linguistic, literary, and theoretical fields as well as applied sciences.

Current Editorial Board


Prof. Abdul-Rahman bin Hasan Al-Arif

Members of the Editorial Board

  •  Prof. Abdullah bin Sarhan Al-Qarni
  •  Prof. Yaseen Muhammad Abu Al-Haijaa
  • Prof. Zhafir bin Ghirman Al-Umari
  • Dr. Abdul-Majid Al-Tayyid Omar
  • Dr. Siedah bint Tafif Al-Daadi
  • Prof. Salih Bilied (International external member – Algeria)
  • Prof. Nihad Al-Musa (International external member – Jordan)

 Editor-in-Chief’s Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Abdul-Rahman bin Hasan Al-Arif

  • PhD in General Linguistics in 1416 A.H.
  • Currently a professor of theoretical and applied linguistics at the UQU Institute of Arabic Language and editor-in-chief of the UQU Journal of Language Sciences and Literature.
  • Former Director of the Arabic Language and Literature Research Center at the Institute of Scientific Research and Islamic Heritage Revival, and Vice Dean of the Institute of Scientific Research for Culture and Publication.
  • Participation in several academic conferences and symposia inside the Kingdom and abroad.
  • Publication of twenty scientific research papers in different peer-reviewed scientific journals in the Arab world.
  • Instructor of the teachers of Arabic language and Islamic culture in several training courses held outside the Kingdom, in Malaysia, Bangladesh, Comoros, Thailand, and Canada.
  • Representing the university in many international book fairs.
  • Member of several research centers and academic societies, as well as the advisory boards of some scientific journals in the Arab world.

   His Printed Scholarly Publications:

  •  Tammam Hassan: a Linguistic Leader (commemorative book), Alam Al-Kutub [Books World], Cairo, 2002 A.C.
  • Al-Idgham Al-Kabeer by Abu Amr Al-Dani (study and verification), Alam Al-Kutub, Cairo, 2003.
  • Modern Approaches to Linguistic Studies in Egypt, OEA Books, Beirut, Lebanon, 2013 A.C.
  • Language of Commercial Advertisement on Saudi TV (in print in 2018 A.C.).


(*) Publisher: Umm Al-Qura University – Makkah – P O Box: 715
