Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Message in Parsing of a Sentence mentioned in (the book Al-Yamini by Abi Al-Nasr Al-Utbi 427 AH) To Taj al-Din Muhammad bin Muhammad known as Al-Fadhil Al-Isfaraeni He died in 684 AH. Study and Investigation

- 2024/01/05

Dr. Aiman Mari Ghorman AlAmry
Associate Professor, Department of Language, Grammar, and Morphology, College of Arabic Language and Literature Umm Al-Qura University in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. 
Issue: 32 | Pages:82-107 | December 2023 | | PDF
Received: 29/12/2022 | Revised:19/02/2023 | Accepted:04/03/2023



This text (the subject of the investigation) is a precious message in its chapter, written by its owner, Taj al-Din Muhammad bin Muhammad, known as Al-Fadil Al-Isfaraeni, who died in the year 684 AH. Its topic is the parsing of a sentence that was mentioned in the book (Al-Yamini) by Abi Al-Nasr Al-Utbi, who died in the year 427 AH, and it contained several circumstances that constitute its parsing and knowledge of its belongings. It is well known that the issue of commenting on the semi-sentence has occupied a wide area in Arabic grammar, and Al-Isfaraeni intended to clarify this problem in this book. By limiting all possible aspects of the syntax of this sentence and mentioning some of the sayings of grammarians and their opinions regarding the issues presented, the letter came to include valuable benefits and many directives, and this is what prompted me to pay attention to it and desire to achieve it. By the grace of God Almighty, this research concluded with the output of this valuable message, achieving its benefits according to the known origins of the investigation, providing a brief definition of its author and Abu Al-Nasr Al-Utbi and his book to the extent that the sources helped me, and a study of the text of the message showing its object and method of the author.


Parsing, semi-sentence, Al-Fadil Al-Isfaraeni, Abo Al-Nasr Al-Utbi, the book (Al-Yamini).

How to Cite 

1. AlAmry A. Message in Parsing of a Sentence mentioned in (the book Al-Yamini by Abi Al-Nasr Al-Utbi 427 AH) To Taj al-Din Muhammad bin Muhammad known as Al-Fadhil Al-Isfaraeni He died in 684 AH. 'Study and Investigation'. Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Language Sciences and Literature. 2023 Dec;(32):82–107. doi:


