Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Issue 30: December 2022 / Article-9

- 2023/01/03

The impact of the linguistic link in the construction of the text an applied study on some Quranic verses in the light of modern linguistics


Zainah Hussain Awdah Alqahtani
Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language, College of Arts and Sciences, Najran University, Saudi Arabia
Issue: 30 | Pages: 153 - 166 | December 2022 |


Linguistic interrelationship is one of the most important relationships that function on the cohesion and coherence of the text. The linguists dealt with these conjunctions. and relationships and explained it in detail when they are analyzing the textual discourse. In this research, the researcher dealt with the apparent formal interrelationships, referential interrelationships, and contextual moral interrelationships. These relationships are among the most prominent linguistic interrelationships that work on the coherence and cohesion of Quranic text.


Linguistic link, text construction, applied study of modern linguistics.

How to Cite 

Alqahtani, Z. (December 2022). The impact of the linguistic link in the construction of the text an applied study on some Quranic verses in the light of modern linguistics', Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Language Sciences and Literature, Issue-30, pp.153–166.


