What is the university levels system?
It is an educational system in which the academic year is divided into two main semesters. There may be a summer semester, however the duration of this semester is half that of the main semester. The graduation requirements are distributed into levels according to the educational plan.
What are the codes for the following degrees?
Grade (Abs) is given to students who attended all the semester courses and were only absent for the final exams only. Grade (In) means incomplete and often refers to research courses such as graduation projects and summer training. Grade (Nr) means that the lecturer did not register the result on the university system (e-Services) in time. Denial (D) of study will be registered for students whose absence is greater than 25% of the semester.
What is the academic load?
Total credits the student is allowed to register in a semester. The minimum academic load is twelve units per semester or three units in the summer semester, with the exception of graduating students.
What is an academic warning?
When the GPA goes lower than 1 out of 4.
When is a student considered to be failing?
If they have failed one or more courses.
Why is the student committed to the course plan not entitled to add and delete courses in order to graduate as soon as possible?
Because the student committed to the course plan has advantages over the rest of the students, including having the priority of registering complete courses in the automatic registration without the need for the department to register any course he needs at his level. The years of study are specific to the student to enable him to easily fulfill the requirements of the course plan.
When may an amendment request be submitted?
The Deanship of Admission and Registration shall provide an amendment form for the modification of a student's grades after having all the required data has been completed through electronic archiving by the department offering the course.
What should I do if I did not attend final exams?
The student must provide an acceptable reason for their absence from the final examination to the head of the department running to the course, accompanied by documentary evidence.
When can I withdraw from a course?
The student who is committed to a course plan has no right to withdraw from any course unless the course he wants to withdraw from is equal or less than the student level. If there is a compelling excuse that requires withdrawal, he can visit the department that offers this curriculum and tell them his reasons.
When can I apologize for not attending the semester?
The student submits the deferment request for the ongoing semester through the electronic portal according to the date on the university calendar.
What are the conditions for receiving an honors degree?
: 1- A first honors degree is awarded to students with a cumulative GPA equal to or higher than 3.75 at the time of graduation. 2- A second honors degree is awarded to students who have a cumulative GPA between 3.25 and 3.75 from 4.00 at graduation, in addition to the following conditions: A- The student has not failed in any course of study at the university or at any other university. B- The student must complete the graduation requirements within a maximum period of time. C- The student must have studied at least 60% of the graduation requirements at the university from which they will graduate.
Am I eligible to add one course to a semester?
Yes, you can add a course via the e-Service portal according to the dates in the university academic calendar announced each semester.
Am I eligible to delete one course from a semester?
You can delete a subject through the e-services portal according to the dates announced at the academic calendar of the University. This period is announced every semester.
Do I have the right to change my study group?
Yes, you can change groups via the e-Service portal according to the dates in the university academic calendar announced each semester.
What are the requirements for obtaining a reward?
The student must regularly attend his courses, have a GPA of 1 or above, and be registered in all their academic courses.
Do students receive an excellence award?
Yes, the excellence award is given if the student gets a GPA of 3.50 or higher for two semesters during the regular study period.
Do special needs students receive an award?
Yes, an award and an allowance shall be paid to them as follows: The blind: Award with a 5th grade salary – first degree. • The disabled: They are in two categories according to the degree of the disability specified by the Ministry of Social Affairs:1. People with medium disability: They shall have a monthly award with an allowance of 1500 riyals. 2. People with severe disability: They shall have a monthly award of a 5th grade salary – first degree.
Do newcomers of the university scholarship for bachelor's degrees and the Institute of Arabic Language for Non-native Speakers receive allowances?
Yes, they receive an accommodation allowance of two rewards and a graduation or book shipping allowance of 3 rewards.
Is the reward paid to students who have registered for less than 12 hours?
Yes, they receive an reward if their GPA is 1 or above.
What are the procedures for getting the graduation document and the academic record?
The procedures are as follows: 1 - Check that the personal data on the student page of the e-Services portal is the same as their passport, before the end of the semester. 2 - Complete the e-Clearance form on the student website page, have it approved by all relevant parties, and print it. 3 - Take the university card and the clearance form to the Department of Graduation or other specified delivery place.