Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Message from the Dean

- 2019/10/09

Dr. Iskandar bin Muhammad Hausawi

All praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds, Who has taught (writing) by the pen, taught man that which he knew not, and peace and blessing be on the master of mankind, our teacher, leader and master Muhammad, who placed the Islamic Nation on the path of science and civilization, and made it one of the reasons for greatness and progress.

The fast-paced changes taking place in our world today in many fields require the development of objectives, strategies and ambitions of organizations and institutions, in particular the educational organizations and institutions, in order for them to cope and adapt with the nature of and the fast-paced changes in the fields of knowledge, information, technology, and systems of quality and excellence.

Therefore, as an integrated part of the educational system in Umm Al-Qura University, the College of Computer in Al-Leith seeks to keep up with the wheel of development and modernization to achieve excellence and leadership and advance the outcomes of education, to be in line with the needs of the community and the requirements of the labor market in the IT field and the steady development in knowledge and technology. Therefore, the college is developing and refining the practical and scientific capacities needed by the graduates to achieve excellence and competition in both the private and government work sectors.

The primary objective of the college, which emanates from Umm Al-Qura University's mission, is to build a typical learning environment that has featured programs, curricula and school systems to graduate high-efficiency cadres that are able to serve its nation and actively participate in the overall construction and development process.

In addition to the quality and excellence of the educational process, the College of Computer in Al-Leith is expanding its role in serving the community. This is through the contribution of researchers who provide research and scientific and applied innovations that aim at identifying the problems faced by the various sectors, and finding appropriate solutions for them.

To achieve these goals, the College of Computer is using the best educational and technical means, and modern organizational methods, while benefiting from pioneering experience by attracting competent professionals. The college seeks to remain on the track of continuous regeneration, competition and development that meets the constantly changing social and economic requirements. This will be achieved in light of the continuing and ongoing generous support of our right-minded government that has placed education and human development in the hub of the economic and social development plans.

