Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Deanship of Library Affairs Honors Dr. Adnan Al-Sharif

Added on - 2017/01/23  |  اخر تعديل - 2017/01/23

The Deanship of Library Affairs on Sunday Rabie AL-Thani 24, 1438 H celebrated its former dean Prof. Adnan bin Mohamed Al-Harthi Al-Sharif in recognition of his outstanding efforts during his tenure. The honoring took place at the ceremonies hall in the Library's HQ at Abdyia, in the presence of the UQU President Dr. Bakri bin M'atooq bin Bakri Assas, UQU Vice Presidents, Deans of the Colleges and Departments officials.  

After initiating the ceremony with a Quranic recitation, the Dean of Library Affairs Dr. Adel bin Ahmad Ba-Na’mah delivered speech in which he lauded the achievements made by Dr. Adnan Al-Harthi in the King Abdullah Library and his efforts to improve the work therein saying that " Today we are celebrating a march of achievement, benevolence and a model of sacrifice offered by Dr. Al-Harthi", adding that the best honoring for him is to continue his work, meanwhile praying to Allah to grant him all success in his new work at the Deanship of Manuscripts. After that, a visual presentation about the glimpses of the term of Dr. Adnan Al-Harthi in the Deanship of Library Affairs was displayed.

Then, the staff member at the Department of History and Islamic Civilization, Dr. Yousif Al-Thaqafi delivered speech on the efforts exerted by Dr. Al-Harthi and his outstanding characteristics and respectable dealing with the affiliates of the library, besides his qualitative efforts to turn the library into an international entity, hoping for such achievement to continue in the tenure of his successor Dr. Adel Ba-Na’mah. 

He was followed by the speech of the focus of the celebration Dr. Adnan Al-Harthi who said “I would like to express my thanks and appreciations for these words, and want to say that I was only one of the Library team who made these achievements.

On his part the UQU President lauded in his speech on this occasion the support attached to Umm Al-Qura University by the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the close follow-up of the Advisor to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the Emir of Makkah HRH Prince Khalid Al-Faisal thus enabling it to become one of the outstanding universities in Makkah which is reckoned the most honorable venue and sacred place on earth.

He added that the celebrated person is one of the cadres of whom the university is proud, for having a personality that forces you to love him, and for his loyalty and dedication to his work. He went on to add that “he was always welcomed whenever he came to request anything for the Library” and we hope that he will continue his achievements in his new post at the Institute of Manuscripts and we hope for his successor Dr. Adel Ba-Na’mah to continue the march of excellence started by Dr. Adnan and to achieve more successes for the Library. After that, the celebrated person was honored. 

