Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

University Medical Center Launches Early Detection Program of Cervical Cancer

Added on - 2016/10/10  |  اخر تعديل - 2016/10/10


The University of Umm Al-Qura represented by the University Medical Center launched the early detection program of cervical cancer. In this regard, the Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Center and the  supervisor of the program Dr. Rahma bint Ahmed Al-Zahrani  said that the program is optional for the females in the targeted category and will be implemented at the obstetrics and gynecology clinics in the center for the married women over 30 years age who are authorized to be treated in the center. The program follows specific mechanism of several stages  including the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test to detect the human papillomavirus (HPV) and then the abnormal active cells test using thin prep device and in the last stage the slides are tested under supervision of Dr. Hanan AbdulMoneim in the Department of Cell and Tissue Biology in the College of Medicine and through ongoing coordination and cooperation between the center and college of medicine.


She went on saying that cervical cancer is the tenth in the list of the most common cancer diseases in the Kingdom and the fourth at the global level. She added that statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO)  have reported  84 death out of the 241 annually registered cervical cancer cases in the Kingdom  as a result of inadequate health awareness and ways of protection against the disease among members of community, in addition to that there is no systematic and unified program of early screening of cervical cancer, leading to detection of majority of cases at advanced stages.


Meanwhile, she confirmed that the university medical center is the only government center in the region that uses the advanced technique (PCR) as a tentative screening to detect cervical cancer. In addition to that, there is agreement and coordination with the women oncology center at King Abdul-Aziz University in Jeddah to transfer to them all cases suspected with women cancer for providing them with required treatment.

For his part, the Director of the University Clinic Center Dr. Yassir bin Hassan Bahakeem said the early detection program of the cervical cancer is one of the preventive programs contributing to the quality of the medical services provided by the Clinic for the female affiliates of the university who are eligible for treatment in the center provided that the program maintains the health of the female affiliates of the university in particular and the Makkan community as general. "Introductory brochures related to the program will be distributed to all female affiliates of the university in the medical center and its branches ", he expounded.  


He lauded the big support attached to the center by the UQU President Dr. Bakri Assas and his approval to implement the program, and the close and continuous follow up of the UQU Vice-President Dr. Yassir Bin Sulaiman  Shoushou to whatever contributes to upgrading level of therapeutic and preventive services provided by the Center to all the affiliates of the university.  
