Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Course on the Arts of Management and Dealing with Clients, Shari’a and Islamic Studies College  

Added on - 2018/10/11  |  اخر تعديل - 2018/10/11

The Vice Deanship of the College of Shari’a and Islamic Studies for Training and Community Service conducted the “Arts of Management and Dealing with Clients” course, on Wednesday, corresponding to Safar 1, 1440 AH. The course was given by His Excellency Prof. Al-Reeh Hamad Al-Laith to the male and female employees of the College. This was in the presence of His Excellency Dr. Ibraheem Al-Sulami, College’s Vice Dean for Training and Community Service, who thanked Prof. Al-Laith for his efforts and for coming to give the course. 

Prof. Al-Laith started the course introducing himself and talking about the administrative positions he assumed during his academic journey. He clarified, through his experiences in administrative work, that the basic rule in dealing with others is respecting the human self. He said that life is based on give and take and the exchange of benefits, and that it is the superior-subordinate relationship that facilitates the process of making administrative work a success. Prof. Al-Laith explained some of the important points in such relationship; they are as follows:   

  • The superior must observe the extent to which the employee is ready to bear the workload and understand the individual differences between employees as well as what kind of tasks is more suitable to assign to them.  
  • Showing praise and appreciation to the employee stimulates him to work; stimulates the other employees as well; and creates an atmosphere of competition among them.  
  • It is necessary to check the conditions of personnel in terms of their needs to be fulfilled.  
  • Observing the individual differences between employees, and putting each one of them in the right work place.  
  • The goal, in the end, must be to facilitate work and achieve its interests.  

Then, he moved to the important things that the employee must do in dealing with clients, such as:  

  1. Meeting clients with a cheerful smile.  
  2. Attending to ask about their requests.  
  3. Good listening; showing attention; and helpfulness.  
  4. Calmness and highly professional behavior with harsh or rude clients, and completing their transactions as soon as possible.  
  5. Less joking with clients.  
  6. Admitting, stopping, and fixing mistakes. 

At the end of the course, the male and female employees of the College extended their thanks and expressed their appreciation to Prof. Al-Laith, as the course was met with their approval. 
