قسم الهندسة الكهربائية - الليث
كلية الهندسة والحاسبات بالليث
Highly effective passivation of crystalline silicon surfaces achieved through transparent conductive Al-doped ZnO layers
SpringerLink, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2024
Effect of Al doping and deposition runs on structural and optical properties of In2S3 thin films grown by CBD
Springer, Journal of Materials Science, 2011
Competence of tunable Cu2AlSnS4 chalcogenides hydrophilicity toward high efficacy photodegradation of spiramycin antibiotic resistance-bacteria from wastewater under visible light irradiation
Elsevier, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry, 2022
Investigation on Cu2MgSnS4 thin film pr...ltaic and humidity sensor applications
Elsevier, Optical Materials, 2022
Exploration of spray pyrolysis technique in preparation of absorber material CFATS: Unprecedented hydrophilic surface and antibacterial properties
Elsevier, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2022
Investigation on Cu2MgSnS4 thin film prepared by spray pyrolysis for photovoltaic and humidity sensor applications
Elsevier, Optical Materials, 2022
A successful exploitation of gamma-radiation on chalcogenide Cu 2 InSnS 4 towards clean water under photocatalysis approach
Elsevier, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022
Effect of sulfur content on improving physical properties of new sprayed Cu2MgSnS4 thin films compound for optoelectronic applications
Springer, The European Physical Journal Plus, 2022
Stress field of a screw dislocation in a thin
Scientific & Academic Publishing, American Journal of Condensed Matter Physics, 2020
Physical Investigations of (Co, Mn) Co-Doped ZnO Nanocrystalline Films
(MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, Nanomaterials, 2020
Structural analysis of indium sulphide thin films elaborated by chemical bath deposition
Elsevier, Thin Soild Films, 2004