قسم الصحة البيئية والمهنية
كلية الصحة العامة والمعلوماتية الصحية
رئيس قسم الصحة البيئية والمهنية
كلية الصحة العامة والمعلوماتية الصحيةThe Effects of Social Media Addiction, Psychological Distress, and Loneliness on Suicide Ideations and Attempts Among Healthcare Professionals in Saudi Arabia
DISCOVERY PUBLICATION, Medical Science, 2022
The Effect of Sleep Quality on Psychological Distress Among Saudi Healthcare Students and Professionals
ElSEVIER, The International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Allied Sciences, 2023
The influence of smartphone addiction, social media addiction and sleep quality on satisfaction with life among health care professionals in Saudi Arabia
Discovery Scientific Society, Medical Science, 2023
The association between smartphone use and sleep quality, psychological distress, and loneliness among health care students and workers in Saudi Arabia
The effect of social media addiction on burnout among health-care students and professionals in Saudi Arabia
MedKnow, International Journal of Academic Medicine, 2023
The effect of social media addiction on psychological distress, sleep quality and loneliness among health care professional in Saudi Arabia
DISCOVERY PUBLICATION, Medical Science, 2022
Using touchscreen mobile devices—when, where and how: a one-week field study
Taylor & Francis, Ergonomics, 2021