Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Translation request procedures

- 2024/03/18

Translation request procedures:

1- The faculty member submits to the head of the department a request for translation according to the Form "Request to translate a textbook or scientific reference", explaining the basic ideas, objectives, and justifications for the translated material, and providing a summary of 300 words of the material to be translated, highlighting its importance to the specialization and the names of the relevant courses.

2- The specific department submits a translation request to the translation and Arabization Center.

3- The Center communicates with the publisher to seek initial approval for translating the book and publishing the translation, provided that it does not conflict with the copyright protection system and its executive regulations.

4- If the textbook or scientific reference is available for translation, and the publisher has initially agreed to translate and publish it in the target language, the Center will notify the specific department to complete the legal procedures, or apologize in case of disagreement with the publisher.

5- The academic department concerned will present and discuss the translation project in one of its council meetings.  The council’s recommendation should include:

A - The importance of translating a textbook or scientific reference.

B – A completed form of the "Request for translation of a textbook or scientific reference" form.

C- A completed  ‘Academic Referees Data’ form.

6- The department council's recommendation must be presented to the college academic council for approval.

7- The recommendations of the department council and the college council are submitted to the Center after approving the college council minutes.

8- The Center communicates with the publisher to obtain a translation approval license, according to a 5-year legal contract to print the textbook or scientific reference after translation.

9- The Center signs a contract to translate the textbook or scientific reference with the translator, with the condition that the translation is submitted within a maximum of (12 months) from the date of signing the contract.

10- The Center’s Board of Directors will examine the translator’s compliance with the required translation conditions.

11- If there are comments on the translated material, they are referred directly to the translator for modification within a period determined by the Center.

12- If the translator adheres to the Centre’s instructions, the Center’s Board of Directors shall send the translated materials to referees for evaluation.

13- Upon reception of the academic referees’ views about the translated material, the translator is asked to make the required amendments within a period that does not exceed one semester.

14- A copy of the translation is submitted by the translator after making the modifications, and the Center checks it and writes a report on that.

15- If the Center recommends the adoption of the translation, the Center’s Board of Directors recommends that it be referred to the Scientific Council to make the decision on publishing the translated work approve granting the financial remuneration proposed by the board according to a mechanism prepared by the Center for this purpose.
