Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Procedural Manual

- 2016/07/17

Mechanism of Public Tenders Securing


This takes place by two ways:


Announcing via Mass Media

When any of the University’s sectors desire to secure their supplies and needs whose value exceeds a million Saudi riyals, or it is part of the work which the governmental procurement and tenders system and its executive regulation provide that it is not exempted from the direct procurement activity, then the Procurement and Tenders Department undertakes the completing of procedures and announcing about them as follows: 

  1. Receiving all the documents of the tender project from the entity supervising the project and preparing sufficient copies of  the specifications, and issuing necessary authorizations for announcing about the tender on the official newspaper and two local newspapers as well as the website of the University and the website of the Umm Al Qura newspaper; and providing the Council of Commerce-Industry Chambers with  a virtually-based copy of the announcement; after setting the date on which  the tender documents are sold  and the date of tender opening is set
  2. Following up the announcement on the local newspapers and websites, and keeping a copy of it on the tender documents file, and preparing the payment orders of the dues of these newspapers
  3. Receiving the representative of the companies and institutions desiring to enter the project tender for providing them with a copy of the specifications after ensuring that they paid the fees due 
  4. Receiving the bids presented for the project, and submitting them to Opening Permanent Committee on the date set for that, and preparing the relevant minutes
  5. Receiving the primary letters of guarantee, and referring them to the Financial Affairs General Department according to the applicable regulations 
  6. Referring the minutes of the Opening Committee and all the tender documents to the entity supervising the project to be submitted  to the Tender Evaluation Technical Committee
  7. Receiving all the tender documents from the Tenders Technical Committee after it has finished its work
  8. Preparing the necessary letters of award for the companies and institutions that are awarded
  9. Receiving the final guarantees from the awarded companies and institutions, and referring them to the Financial Affairs General Department 
  10. Referring all the tender documents to the University Contracts Unit for preparing the necessary contracts
  11. Following up the sign of the contract from the two parties: company or institution and University President 
  12. Contacting the entity  supervising the implementation, and providing them with a copy of the contract for making the minutes of business commencement
  • Corresponding the below-mentioned entities, and providing them with a copy of the contract: 

  • Department of Zakat and Income
  • General Organization for Social Insurance
  • Commerce-Industry Chamber
  • Information Center of the Council of Commerce-Industry Chambers
  1. Completing all the tender documents file and get it indexed, and sending it to the Supervisory Office of the University General Auditing Department together with a copy of the letter detailing the full tender information, and providing the Makkah General Auditing Office with the letter original


Tendering by Inviting the Concerned Entities

In this case, the mechanism applied on the first part is applied except for announcing on the local newspapers. That’s to say, a number of institutions, companies and specialized office are invited to enter the general tender, and they must be at least five entities.  This procedure includes the following

  • Weapons and military equipment and their spare parts drawing on direct procurement  from the source companies; and the best proposals are chosen in a manner serves the general interest; and the process of choice takes place by ministerial committee set up to that effect by a royal order; the Committee is  made up of at least three members adding in its head; and then its recommendations are submitted to the Premier to get them approved  
  • Advisory and technical work and studies; and setting the specifications and plans and supervising its implementing; and accountant, lawyer and legal advisor services; and this takes place by inviting at least five licensed specialized offices to the effect that each presents their bid within a period set by the entity, and awarding takes effect according to the provision of article sixteen of the law. 
  • Spare parts of the machinery, electric and electronic devices and equipment; this takes place by inviting at least three specialists to present each their bid within a period set by the entity, and the concerned minister or the head of the independent department forms the Tender Evaluation Committee through which the best is chosen
  • Commodities, establishments or services that is solely  provided by a caterer or contractor or exclusive producer; and their alternative is not acceptable; they are delivered by the direct procurement after the concerned minister or the head of the independent department  gets them approved according to the implementing regulation 
  • Urgently needed medical supplies in the event that epidemics break out


Mechanisms of Direct Securing

  1. When any of the University sectors desire to secure their urgent supplies and needs whose value is less than a million Saudi riyal, the Procurement and Tenders Department undertake the completing of securing procedures according the following:
  2.  After receiving the request of the entity attached to it a detailed statement of the objects due to be secured and supplied; and the amounts , specifications, and accurate  standards and dimensions according to the models available at the website of the Procurement and Tenders Department; also the request to be signed by the technical team and the competent authority of the requesting entity; and also attached is the notification of  the entity reported that the objects in question are not available such as Information Technology Deanship, Warehouses Department, Education Means and Technologies and TV-Based Education Center, Operation and Maintenance General Department and University Press   
  3. Contacting the companies and institutions specialized in the objects due to be supplied to present their offers according to the applicable rules
  4. All the transaction documents are reviewed by specialists at the Procurement and Tenders Department according to what the governmental tenders and procurement law provides and its implementing regulation
  5. A date is set for calling the Tender Evaluation Technical Committee; and such a committee is formed upon the decision of the University No 55845 , dated February 2, 2014 ; and the Procurement and Tenders Department invites its members to evaluate the offers presented and decide upon them
  6. When the transaction documents are completed and they conform to the laws and directives, they are referred to the Financial Affairs General Department to be approved according to the applicable law and in light of the available in terms of the financial appropriations set for the requested objects
  7. The Procurement and Tenders Department prepares the necessary authorization if the approved sum is less than SR300.000; and if the approved sum exceeds this sum or less than SR 1.000.000, the appropriate  contract is prepared according to the applicable laws
  8. The requesting entity and the concerned entity are notified with a copy of the authorization or the contract to complete the necessary procedures regarding the contracted institution or company following up the securing and supplying of the requested objects from the requesting entity    
  9. Model (3) reception minutes are made and the letter of request and the bills presented by the institution or the company are enclosed by the requesting entity ; together with a completion minute in the event that the requested objects need installing; and sending them in an official letter to the Procurement and Tenders Department to complete the necessary procedures regarding making payment orders and sending them to the Financial Affairs General Department