Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Competencies of Pharm-D

- 2016/05/01

Philosophy of Education

    Competencies of Pharm-D:

    These competencies were adopted from ACPE, CAPE, GPhC, WHO and UQU competencies frameworks.

    Core Competencies for UQU Pharmacy graduates:

    The following core competencies are essential for the PharmD graduates. The competencies were purposefully constructed around 3 broad domains to guide the academy in educating pharmacists

    Domains of pharmacy:

    1) Foundational knowledge

    2) Essentials for practicing pharmacy.

    3) Personal and professional development.

    The 3 broad domains are divided into 10 specific subdomains. The subdomain outcome statements are designed to capture what students should be capable of upon graduation from the either of our Pharmacy programs. A one-word competency descriptor is provided for each subdomain that illustrates the main construct and can be used to concisely articulate the outcome.

    Domain 1 – Foundational Knowledge

    1.1. Learner:

    Develop, integrate, and apply knowledge from the foundational sciences to evaluate the scientific literature, explain drug action, solve therapeutic problems, and advance population health and patient centered care.

    Observed (measurable) outcomes Assessment Methods Level (Year)
    Develop and demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in pharmaceutical, social/behavioral/administrative, and clinical sciences. Written exam, oral presentation, case study 2nd-3rd
    Articulate how knowledge in foundational sciences is integral to clinical reasoning; Written exam, oral presentation, case study 3rd-4th
    Integrate knowledge from foundational sciences to explain how specific drugs or drug classes work and evaluate their potential value in individuals and populations. Written exam, oral presentation, case study, OSCE 3rd-4th
    Critically analyze scientific literature related to drugs and disease to enhance clinical decision-making. Written exam, literature review (critique) , journal club, reflective essay 4th-5th
    Apply knowledge in foundational sciences to solve therapeutic problems and advance patient-centered care. OSCE, PBL 5th-6th
    Identify and critically analyze emerging theories, information, and technologies that may impact patient-centered and population based care. OSCE, PBL, case study 5th-6th

    Domain 2 – Essentials for practicing pharmacy

    2.1. Caregiver:

    Provide patient-centered careas the medication expert (collect and interpret evidence, prioritize, formulate assessments and recommendations, implement, monitor and adjust plans and document activities).

    Observed (measurable) outcomes Assessment Methods Level
    Collect subjective and objective evidence related to patient, medications, allergies/adverse reactions, and disease, by performing patient assessment (including physical assessment) from chart/electronic health records, pharmacist records and patient/family interviews PBL, case presentation, OSCE 4th
    Prioritize patient needs. Case presentation, OSCE
    Develop disease management plan. Case presentations, journal club, assignment
    Formulate evidence based care plans, assessments, and recommendations. OSCE 5th
    Develop treatment monitoring  plan Case report, OSCE
    Implement patient care plans. OSCE, case report, Case Presentation 6th
    Monitor the patient and adjust care plan as needed. Case report, Case Presentation
    Document patient care related activities OSCE, reflective essay, case report

    If the objective is present in more than one level, you can repeat the objective, putting the same assessment tool or a different one according to the complexity of the objective.

    2.2. Manager:

    Medication use systems management- Manage patient healthcare needs using human, financial, technological, and physical resources to optimize the safety and efficacy of medication use systems.

    Observed (measurable) outcomes Assessment Methods Level
    Describe: the role of the pharmacist in impacting the safety and efficacy of each component of a typical medication use system (i.e., procurement, storage, prescribing, transcription, dispensing, administration, monitoring, and documentation). Report after field visit, role play, written Exam. 2nd

    Compare and contrast between the components of typical medication use systems in different pharmacy practice settings

    Identify human, financial, and physical resources required to optimize the medication use system

    Report after field visit. 3rd

    Evaluate the factors critical to safe and efficient medication distribution systems including pharmacy layout design, workflow, and technology.

    Anticipate and recognize human, environmental and medication distribution situations that place patients at risk.

    Report after field visit, practical exam, PBL. 4th

    Apply the standards, guidelines, best practices, and established processes related to safe and effective medication use.

    Manage the safe and efficient distribution of medications

    Project design, oral presentation. 5th year

    2.3. Problem Solver:

    Identify problems, explore and prioritize potential strategies, design, implement and evaluate a viable solution.

    Observed (measurable) outcomes Assessment Methods Level
    Identify and define primary problems.

    case studies,

    Basic concepts of PBL should be introduced and practically performed with the students.

    2nd year
    Define goals and alternative goals. Problem based learning should be involved in teaching. Basics of writing scientific reports should be explained and tried with the students. 3rd year
    Explore multiple solutions by organizing, prioritizing, and defending each possible solution. Students are guided through completely independent writing of scientific reports that are assessed by the facilitator. 4th year
    Implement the most viable solution, including monitoring parameters, to measure intended and unintended consequences. Students perform research projects with the aid and guidance of the supervisor and should independently write basics of the corresponding thesis and/or publication. 5th year

    2.4. Educator:

    Educate all audiences by determining the most effective and enduring ways to impart information and assess understanding.

    Observed (measurable) outcomes Assessment Methods Level
    Outline the meaning of learning needs assessment. Written exam 2nd
    Outline best techniques to achieve learning objectives (SMART) using bloom’s  and Fink’s taxonomy. Writing a report after group discussion and team work.
    Describe different sources of  educational information Written paper
    Describe different steps of learning needs assessment Exercise or case study on a virtual case of learning needs assessment. 3rd
    Demonstrate ability to write SMART objectives for a selected topic Marked exercise on a selected topic (individual work)
    Analysing data of learning needs assessment Case study (team work) 4th
    Prepare instructional material related to pharmaceutical education Written paper (team work) or peer assessment presentation
    Writing SMART objectives related to the prepared instructional material Written paper (team work) or peer assessment presentation
    Conduct a project involving learning needs assessment, analysis, developing SMART objectives, preparing instructional material and assessing audience comprehension using available tools All semester activity (teams of students targeting different audiences.  5th

    2.5. Collaborator:

    Actively participate and engage as a healthcare team member by demonstrating mutual respect, understanding, and values to meet patient care needs.

    Observed (measurable) outcomes Assessment Methods Level
    Define clear roles and responsibilities for team members to optimize outcomes for specific patient care encounters. Reflective Writing (2nd year)
    Communicate in a manner that values team-based decision-making and shows mutual respect for contributions from other areas of expertise

    Reflective writing.

    Team-based case studies

    (from3rd till 5th year)
    Develop collaborative relationships with health care professionals such that the obligations and expected benefits are clearly defined.  Case studies/projects (From 2nd year until 5th year)
    Refer patients to other health care providers when required. OSCE (5th year)
    Work with other health care professionals to promote health and wellness in the community Rotation in hospitals 6th year

    2.6. Communicator:

    Effectively communicate verbally and nonverbally when interacting with an individual, group, or organization

    Observed (measurable) outcomes Assessment Methods Level

    Actively listen and ask appropriate open and closed-ended questions to gather information.

    Use available technology and other media to assist with communication as appropriate.

    assessed by simulation 2nd

    Write clearly, using organized processes and appropriate vocabulary; Correctly apply the rules of syntax, grammar and punctuation, and:

    Adapt the content of their arguments to specific contexts and target audiences

    oral exam and written exam 3rd
    Use effective interpersonal skills to build trusting relationships. could be assessed by presentation 4th
    Interview patients using an organized structure, specific questioning techniques (e.g., motivational interviewing), and medical terminology adapted for the audience can be assessed by stimulatory pharmacy 5th

    Domain 3: Personal and Professional Development

    3.1. Leader:

    Exhibit behaviors and values that are consistent with the trust given to the profession by patients, other healthcare providers, and society.

    Observed (measurable) outcomes Assessment Methods Level
    1Identify characteristics that reflect leadership versus management.

    Evaluate student ability for self learning through Rubric

    Assignments and case discussion about leadership

    Develop relationships, value diverse opinions, and understand individual strengths and weaknesses to promote teamwork.

    - Students are engaged in self- and peer-dialogue

    - Students are exposed to pharmacy leaders, the stories of the challenges faced by those leaders and the actions the leaders took then a written report was prepared and assessed

    - PBL 

    Persuasively communicate goals to the team to help build consensus.

    -     written exam or assignments

    -     Evaluation of student participation in different practice settings

    Empower team members by actively listening, gathering input or feedback, and fostering collaboration.


    Multiple opportunities for students to “lead” and to “practice” leadership skills through: consultation board and Committee membership. 

    3.2. Researcher:

    Graduates integrate the principles of research and evidence-based health care into their practice and lifelong education.

    Observed (measurable) outcomes Assessment Methods Level
    Appreciates and adheres to ethical research principles Written report, thoroughly checked for plagiarism, proper referencing,… 

    2nd year: summarizing a research paper.

    3rd year: critique of a research paper.

    Applies principles of scientific enquiry to investigate a medicine or practice related issue Comprehensive project (across more then one course: epidemiology, biostatistics,…) about surveying a specific issue. E.g. prevalence of diabetes among smoking subjects. 3rd and 4th
    Possesses the skills to initiate research and practice development activities Research Project: setting up the research question, literature review, research methodology, practical work,… 4th and 5th
    Communicates and applies research findings

    Verbal and written presentations.

    Publishing scientific papers

    2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th years

    3.3. Professional:

    Exhibit behaviors and values that are consistent with the trust given to the profession by patients, other healthcare providers, and society.

    Observed (measurable) outcomes Assessment Methods Level
    a)        Differentiate between professional & nonprofessional practice of pharmacy


    case studies

    Final written exams


    Evaluate different interactions between patients and pharmacists

    Analyze nonprofessional interactions of pharmacists

    Group work (role play),


    Final written exams.

    Deliver patient centered-care in a professional manner

    Case studies,

    Oral & written presentations of studied cases,

    Final written exam.


    Suggest methods for improvement of the professional services of pharmacists

    Deduce professional standards required for improved patients’ experience

    Practical training in hospital pharmacies with preparation of field reports including the gained experience, suggestions for improvement of professional services of pharmacists and better patients’ experience.  5th