Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Lending Policies

- 2022/07/12

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    1. Lending Policies:

    Article: 3.1.1.: The following categories are entitled to borrow from the library according to the details contained in the following articles:

    • Academic Staff and Persons of Similar Status: (Professor - Associate Professor - Assistant Professor - Lecturer - Teaching Assistant - Language Teacher - External Collaborator).
    • Postgraduate Students: (MA and PhD.) Undergraduate Students: (Regular and Affiliated students at the Bachelor level).
    • Diploma Students: (Special Diploma - High Diploma Students - Preparatory Year Diploma - Diploma), and university staff. Beneficiaries from outside the university: providing the payment of a financial guarantee determined by the library.
    • Branch libraries at colleges, libraries affiliated to the university in the governorates, public libraries within the Kingdom, according to agreements between them and the library to regulate the lending rules.
    • University libraries in the GCC states according to the agreed-upon reciprocal lending system between universities.

    Article: 3.1.2.: Non-Lending Items:

    1. All sources of reference information such as: encyclopedias, dictionaries, and directories.
    2. Periodicals, and scientific series of related subject.
    3. Government publications, and documents, maps, and files.
    4. Academic dissertations (Masters and PhD).
    5. Original and illustrated manuscripts.
    6. Rare books.
    7. Non-paper materials such as: disks, tapes, computer programs.
    8. Textbooks of the Courses.
    9. Reserved books.
    10. Books that are limited to only specialized researchers.
    11. Bbooks of private libraries - taking into account what is stated regarding them in their section.
    12. Single-copy books.

    The Deanship of Library Affairs is entitled to the exception of the above when the need arises.

    Article: 3.1.3: Number of books allowed to be lent and the lending period according to categories of beneficiaries:

    A. University Staff:

    Category Type

    Category Title

    Number of Books


    Academic Staff



    4 months

    Associate Professor


    4 months

    Assistant Professor


    4 months



    4 months

    Teaching Assistant


    4 months

    Language Teacher


    4 months

    External Collaborator


    4 months


    PhD Students


    2 months

    Master's Students


    2 months

    Special Diploma Students


    1 month

    High Diploma Students


    1 month

    Bachelor's Students


    20 days

    Preparatory Year Diploma Students


    20 days

    Affiliation Students


    20 days

    Diploma Students


    20 days

    Administrative Personnel

    University Employee


    1 month

    B. Others

    Category Type

    Category Title

    Number of Books


    Saudi Universities

    Academic staff from Saudi universities


    4 months

    Postgraduate students from Saudi universities


    2 months

    Bachelor's students from Saudi universities


    1 month


    Beneficiary from outside the university paying insurance determined by the library


    1 month

    Article: 3.1.4.: Sanctions, Fines, and Deductions:

    1. A late fine estimated in accordance with the internal regulations of the Deanship of Library Affairs shall be calculated.
    2. If a book is more than 90 days overdue, it is considered lost and the borrower shall be fined double the cost of the book.
    3. If a book is more than 90 days overdue, the authority to which the beneficiary belongs shall be contacted.
    4. The beneficiary is not allowed to borrow other books unless the late books are returned and their fines are paid.
    5. The head of the lending department, the librarian, or the person assigned by the dean may recommend that the beneficiary be deprived from lending for a semester or whatever length of time he deems appropriate, if the latter is a repeat offender.
    6. A decision is issued by the dean in that regard. If there in an urgent need for a book that is on loan, the head of the lending department, the librarian, or the person assigned by the dean may request its return from the beneficiary through the system, and the beneficiary shall immediately respond.
    7. If library books are found lying in the classrooms or in the university corridors, the library is entitled to deny the beneficiary the privilege of lending books for a full academic year.
    8. The Dean of Library Affairs or his authorized representative, is entitled to waive 50% of the delay value.

    Article: 3.1.5.: A faculty member may request to reserve a maximum of three books, provided that the required period of the reservation shall be limited to no more than one semester.

    Article 3.1.6.: Fines for Lost and Damaged Books:

    1. If a book is lost or damaged, the borrower must replace it with an alternative copy of the same edition or a later edition, and bind it if the borrowed copy was bound. If a copy can not be obtained, the value of the book and the processing thereof shall be paid at the discretion of the relevant authority within the library.
    2. If the book is one of the rare books or books given as a gift, the borrower is asked to pay the value determined by the relevant technical committee in light of the price of the lost or damaged book and its scarcity in the market, after its value has been approved by the Dean of Library Affairs.

    Article 3.1.7.: The Dean of Library Affairs, his representative, or his delegate is entitled to give a lending permit to those who are outside the list of beneficiaries previously stipulated, after ascertaining the identity of the borrower and their circumstances.

    Article 3.1.8.: The Dean of Library Affairs, his representative, or his delegate is entitled to deprive the borrower from lending books for a period of not more than one academic year if they misuse the library or its possessions, or mistreat its employees.

    Article 3.1.9.: Faculty members and persons of similar status are entitled to reserve certain books for a limited period of time for the use of students inside the library. Reserved books may not be lent.

    Article 3.1.10.: The library offers a cooperative lending service between the agreed-upon universities, in the framework of the cooperation of the university libraries according to the mechanism and conditions set by the two universities.
