Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

The Student Advisory Council

- 2019/04/29

Overview of the Student Advisory Council

The council is an advisory board consisting of female representatives elected by the female students of the Department of Kindergarten at the UQU College of Education. It includes 10 female students who are elected by the department's female students to represent their colleagues in front of the department, college and the university. The council contributes to developing a supportive and secure university environment, and upgrading the student services.

The council is committed to achieving its objectives and upgrading the educational process according to the rules, laws, and regulations in force at UQU.


The Student Advisory Council aims to be the best partner in formulating creative decisions, activating female student participation, and encouraging them to achieve excellence at the level of the college and the university in the light of the Saudi Vision 2030.


The Student Advisory Council endeavors to create an environment conducive to the participation of the students in the decision making processes related to them inside the university. This is in addition to harnessing students' efforts to help them be creative at all levels, in line with the Saudi Vision 2030.


  1. To participate in creating the student's integrated personality, and developing it nationally, socially and culturally, within the principles of the Islamic Shari`ah.
  2. To promote the spirit of leadership among them, and provide them the opportunity to express their opinions in a responsible manner.
  3. To ensure that students are aware of their rights and duties, in accordance with the applicable laws in the university.
  4. To give the needed concern to female student issues, following them up and overcoming obstacles, in cooperation with the university's administration.
  5. To ensure that there is a healthy environment for dialogue and respecting each others' opinions.
  6. To strengthen the spirit of cooperation and the concept of teamwork among the female students.
  7. To support the cultural, scientific, social and sport activities, and increase their efficiency.
  8. To urge students to effectively and physically contribute in the planning and organization of everything related to their affairs and studies.
  9. To contribute jointly with the university in developing the students' services in light of the actual needs.
  10. To strengthen the links between the female students and the administrative and academic staff in the university.
  11. To activate all types of the students' classroom and extracurricular activities.
  12. To participate with the student in the planning of matters relevant to the educational process.
  13. To explore students' opinions about the students services provided for them, and submit them to the administration after verification.
  14. To consider all students proposals which contribute to improving the educational process and environment, after studying and checking their feasibility.
  15. To fulfill the female students' physical and psychological needs, in collaboration with the academic advisor and the students advising center.
  16. To take advantage of the students' energies in serving the community and in dealing with its issues.
  17. To support the educational environment by touching upon the needs of the students and solving their problems.
  18. To participate with the students in the educational process, which is one of the most important requirements of academic accreditation. ​


"A Better Future in Light of the Saudi Vision 2030"

Council's Requirements:

  • To be provided buildings for the female students advisory council.
  • For the headquarters to be provided with the necessary office equipment (desk, computer, printer, communication devices, and stationary).
  • To support the council in carrying out its programs.

Tasks of the Female Student Members of the Council:

Each female member shall have the right to discuss matters on the agenda, and may submit proposals in this regard to the relevant department, who in turn submits the appropriate proposals to the committee of the students' advisory council.

Duties and Powers of the Student Advisory Council Members

First: Chairwoman

  • Representing the Student Advisory Council in front of competent authorities in the department and the college, official institutions, and similar student organizations, according to the directions of the university.
  • Calling for holding council meetings.
  • Developing the council's annual work plan.
  • Preparing the agenda for the meetings.
  • Leading council meetings.
  • Forming and arranging committees, teamwork and the distribution of duties among council members.
  • Coordination to carry out collective activities.
  • Constantly communicating with the different members to produce solutions for all issues.

Second: Deputy Chairwoman

  • Carrying out the duties of the chairwoman during her absence, or when officially deputized by the chairwoman to do this.
  • Helping the chairwoman, and carrying out the duties consigned to her by the chairwoman of the council.

Third: Secretary

  • Announcing council meetings.
  • Preparing the council's agenda.
  • Organizing and preparing a suitable place for council meetings.
  • Writing the minutes of the meeting.
  • Signing and organizing council correspondence in special records.
  • Receiving council correspondence.
  • Keeping the documents and files of the council.
  • Preparing permanent records for the data of the council members.
  • Preparing and signing meeting attendance.
  • Following up the actions based on the recommendations of the advisory council, after their approval.

Fourth: Council Members

  • Each member at the council represents the formal vote of the students of the department to which she belongs.
  • Attending and actively participating in all the meetings of the Advisory Council.
  • Supporting the role of the council in achieving the goals for which it was established.
  • Promoting programs and activities in all areas of the university campus.

Female student membership in the Student Advisory Council will be withdrawn in the following cases:

  • Graduation.
  • Final dismissal or withdrawal from the university.
  • Termination of the student's enrollment at the university, for any reason.
  • Member's violation of public etiquette or public order.
  • Absence from the sessions of the Student Advisory Council for more than three times.
  • The female student's apology from or delay of study for more than one semester.

Nomination Conditions for the Student Advisory Council:

The female student who desires to nominate herself for membership of the council should fulfill the following conditions:

  • The female student should not have received a warning due to her low grades.
  • The female student should be a Saudi national.
  • The female student should be a regular student, and she should not expect to graduate in the semester when the election is held.
  • The female student should not be an employee at the university.
  • The female student should not have been convicted of a felony related to the violation of honor or trust.
  • The female student should not stand for election for more than two periods (two academic years).
  • The student's grade point average should not be less than 3. 50 out of 5.00.
  • The female student should have communication skills and work with a team spirit.
  • She should have effectively participated in extracurricular activities and voluntary acts.
  • The candidate can withdraw her candidacy 48 hours before the time of the election, in order to for her withdrawal application to be accepted.
  • If the candidate ceased attending the sessions of the Student Advisory Council for four times without an acceptable excuse, after winning the election, her membership will be cancelled and the candidate who won the position after her in election will take her place.

Timetable of the Student Advisory Council Elections for the Academic Year 1439/1440 A.H.




Start of Nomination Period

7 days


Start of Electoral Campaigns

5 days


Voting (Ballot)

2 days


Nomination procedures for the membership of the Student Advisory Council:

  • The department shall publish the announcement of the start of the nomination period at least 10 academic days before the specified voting date (determined by the head of the department). The nomination period must not be less than five consecutive academic days.
  • The department shall announce the names of the female candidates to choose from, with the representatives of the department among them.

The Interim Election Committee shall determine the following:

  • The date and place for receiving the nomination forms at the department.
  • The nomination form and the receipt confirming the submission of the form.
  • The place of the polling stations and number of ballot boxes.
  • The receipt of the delegates' names at the polling and post-election counting centers.
  • The review of the student rolls to ensure their correctness.
  • The student should read the Student Advisory Council Leaflet (Annex 1).
  • The student should fill out the electronic nomination form according to the annual dates specified in the election timetable.
  • The head of the department should ensure that the student meets all the nomination requirements and inform her of it officially.
  • The candidate shall consult the candidate's electoral campaign model (Annex 2).
  • The candidate shall conduct the necessary electoral campaign according to the conditions specified in the electoral campaign section.
  • The candidate is bound by the period of electoral silence announced in the timetable of the Student Advisory Council Elections.
  • The candidate shall follow up the voting procedures on the dates specified in the election timetable.

Electoral Campaign:

  1. The spatial boundaries of any of the electoral campaign activities is "Building Y" at the College of Education. It is not permitted for the electoral campaign activities to take place beyond the specified spatial boundaries.
  2. The candidate shall be allowed to use any of the electoral campaign tools identified in this section during the campaigning period specified in the timetable, without prejudice in any way to the lectures and the educational process in "Building Y" and the surrounding area.
  3. The candidate and her assistants in the electoral campaign shall only address the role they can play for the voters and supporters in the event of winning, and shall not address any other issues during the electoral campaign.
  4. The candidate shall be entitled to use any of the following electoral campaign tools:
  • Publications: they include posters and other hand-distributed flyers.
  • Marches: the supporters and assistants of the candidate may organize a march that involves raising banners and cheering support for the candidate provided that no loudspeakers are used.
  • Tours: 5 minutes may be deducted from a number of regular lectures - this requires the written approval of the supervisor of the department and the verbal approval of the lecturer.
  • Rallies: the candidate and her supporters may hold rallies in one of the halls of "Building Y" to which they may invite the voters to showcase the candidate's abilities and what she can offer them in the event of winning. This requires the written approval of the head of the department and the vice dean of the college to use the hall at the specified time of the rally.
  • Display Screens: the candidate may use the display screens in Building Y to display a video or presentation. The presentation shall not be more than three minutes long, and the presentations of all candidates shall be equally displayed throughout the day until 1:00 p.m. This requires the written approval of the supervisor of the display screens.
  • The candidate may also employ social communication programs and services in the electoral campaign, using non-official accounts, groups and personal email, rather than the formal ones.
  • The candidate shall be bound by the period of electoral silence announced in the timetable of the Student Advisory Council Elections.
  • The candidate shall remove all her outstanding posters and publications according to the dates specified in the timetable of the Student Advisory Council Elections.

Voting procedures:

The ballot shall be confidential and shall be as follows:

  • The voter's identity shall be verified before voting.
  • A university card, ID card, or a passport is acceptable.
  • The polling officer shall offer each voter a stamped and numbered ballot paper, and place a mark against the voter's name on the voters' rolls to avoid repetitive voting.
  • The polling period is one academic day (from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.).
  • The final results shall be immediately announced after the counting process after the ratification of the electoral record.
  • In the event of a tie between the candidates, and none of them resolve the tie by withdrawing from the race, the choice will be determined according to the following criteria:
    • The winning candidate will have passed the largest number of academic courses.
    • The winning candidate will have the highest academic score.
    • If the result is still tied (the final two candidates are equal according to the previous two criteria), a random drawing shall be held.

Council Meetings

  • The council convenes monthly and may convene exceptionally at the request of its chairman or of at least half of its members.
  • The meeting of the council shall be considered regular if it is attended by more than half of the council members. If the minimum number of members is not in attendance, the meeting shall be reconvened one hour after the original time. This time, the meeting will become official if it is attended by at least three female students in addition to the chairman of the council or his deputy.
  • The council shall make its decisions by majority votes. When the votes are equal, the chairman's side will prevail.
  • Secret voting may be used on subjects where the majority of members consider the voting should be secret.
  • The council may establish its subcommittees, invite members from outside the council to attend its meetings, or participate in committees without having the right to vote.
  • The duration of the council is one academic year.
  • The head of the department is entitled to continue it in the same formation for another year. If the membership of any female student members of the council has ended, the alternative shall be nominated with the same controls.
  • The council shall have its own secretariat and shall submit the minutes of its meetings and recommendations to the council of the department for approval.

The Committees of the Student Advisory Council and its Activity Plan in Light of Saudi Vision 2030

1. Events Management Committee

Committee Goals:

  • Define the needs of the students of the department with regards to programs and activities.
  • Organize the activities and events of the students of the department to meet their needs and raise their abilities.
  • Supervise the student-related programs and activities carried out by the department.
  • Organize the department's participation in events inside or outside the university.
  • Develop the skills of the department and invest in the students' talents.

Duties of the Committee:

This committee will prepare, plan and implement various sports, social, and cultural activities at all levels inside and outside the university through:

  • Analyzing the needs of female students for events and activities.
  • Following up and evaluating the events and activities of the committee. Preparing reports on events and activities throughout the year. Supervising and organizing the events approved by the executive committee of the council.
  • Holding events and activities taking into account the following:
    • Events throughout the academic year (beginning of year, end of semester, end of year).
    • Events according to the academic levels of female students.
    • Events according to community events (annual conferences, international days, national day). Events according to place of implementation (internal, external). Activities related to childhood.

2. Scientific Committee and Seminars:

The Scientific Committee and Seminars provide services to female students in the Kindergarten Department who wish to support and develop their research ideas through panel discussions that bring together faculty members, specialists, graduates and interested students.

Committee Goals:

  • Guide the research ideas presented towards achieving the strategic objectives of Saudi Vision 2030.
  • Support the students to crystallize and develop their research ideas. Promote quality research ideas and originality.
  • Establish a database for research and studies in the department.
  • Highlight the importance of scientific research in the field of childhood, and how to use the scientific methodology in the development of the performance of kindergarten teachers.

The department shall consult this committee regarding the following:

  • Academic programs and their evaluation.
  • Existing and new academic courses and their evaluation.
  • Planning for the educational process. Research projects in cooperation with the Deanship of Scientific Research.
  • Submitting proposals on what best serves the future of the department.
  • Contributing to the development of programs and curricula according to the requirements of the labor market.
  • Supervising the implementation of the department's strategic plan.

3. The Media Committee

The Media Committee is one of the committees of the Advisory Council in the Kindergarten Department. It serves as an effective link between the council, the community and the media institutions, using the latest modern media to contribute to highlighting the real image of the council and its civilizational role in serving the community. This will consequently have a positive effect on the department, college and university.

Committee Goals:

  • Create appropriate conditions that will help increase the council's contribution to the development of society. 
  • Introduce various activities and services provided by the council.
  • Raise the community's awareness of the council's mission, objectives and achievements.
  • Reply to the council's enquiries.

Duties of the Committee:

  • Cover the events held in the department and the college, which the council is mandated to organize. 
  • Contribute to the preparation and facilitation of press interviews for the department leaders and its student council. 
  • Organize press conferences for the department and its student council if necessary.
  •  The media documentation of all the daily publications of the department, including paper and electronic newspapers and social media networks,and the preparation of a media file in this regard. 
  • Create a library of images (figures, research, events and activities), classify them in an accessible way, and constantly update them through the department's website. 
  • Manage the social network accounts of the department and its student council (Twitter, YouTube, etc.) and utilize them correctly.
  • Manage media content for the department's website and its student council on the Internet.
  • Design of information graphics "Infographic" and "electronic banners" about the department and its student council, and broadcast them on the website. 
  • Communicate with the media actors and use them to serve the objectives of the department and its student council.

4. Student Activities Committee:

The committee undertakes to:

  • Evaluate and follow up all the student services provided by the department and the university. 
  • Improve the educational environment. 
  • Be consulted in the future plans of the department in terms of student services, in cooperation with the Vice Dean of Female Student Affairs. 
  • Discuss ways to deepen the partnerships between the department and the local and international community. 
  • Provide proposals that will provide material and moral support for the college. 
  • Establish voluntary teams for those who wish to participate in voluntary work in various fields from the Kindergarten Department.

Fields of Voluntary Service

  • Health field.
  • Educational field.
  • Humanitarian/relief field. 
  • Training field. 
  • The environmental field. 
  • Social field. 
  • Technical field.