Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Message of the Education Department Head

- 2016/05/02

Praises go out to Allah who lavishingly poured His blessings upon us, and grant us the honor of living around the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques; and peace be upon the most honorable human and last messenger, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, who properly delivered the trust to the effect that he was instructor, guide and one who invites to Allah by His leave as a lamp spreading light.


The Education Department is one of the academic departments in the Jammum University College at Um Al Qura University. The Department works on qualifying the teachers of the public and higher education stages. It gives me pleasure to see this Department stand as a beacon for spreading science and knowledge to our citizens within and outside the College. It provides them with the education arts and scientific and practical experience to blaze the trail for them, and to remove any obstacles before them for convey the message of science which Allah entrusted to the prophets. It is a message urging to pay attention to science and scholar.


Islam lends the education a top priority; Allah says “Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition.”Allah also urged us to boundlessly seek knowledge, and pray Him saying: O’ My Lord! Advance me in knowledge.”

Similarly, the Department not only paid attention to the pedagogic information and theories we lecture for our students, but we equally take care of the religious education and values. This highlights the religious and Islamic philosophy we believe in. 

The education cannot be reduced to just a profession, it is a holy message in the first place. And whoever entrusts with working in that field, they should be aware of the great responsibility they shoulder, whether they are teachers in schools or lecturers at universities. 

As one of the College’s departments, the Department adopts such an attitude. It worked on communicating with other entities through the scientific and practical production in all knowledge fields as it reflects the positive role for the education renaissance.

I would like avail myself of such an occasion to extend my deepest gratitude to the University Dean and the Education Department academic staff for the steady efforts they made for boosting the College’s and Department’s pedagogic role in qualifying a teacher in a way contributes to developing the individual and society.

We pray Allah, the Almighty, to bless the scientific progress, and support those at the helm towards fulfilling the Kingdom’s pedagogic objectives.  


 Much bidding of peace be upon our messenger, Muhammad.


Head of the Education Department

Professor: Abdullah Hamid Ahmed Aljabri
