Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

The hypothesis of chance in the genesis of the universe View and veto

- 2023/09/19

Abed El Fatah Fathi Abed El Fatah Hamouda
Professor of Creed and Contemporary Doctrines at the College of Islamic Call, Palestine
Issue 93 Pages: 82-97 | June 2023 | | PDF
Received: 04/12/2022 | Revised:22/01/2023 | Accepted:07/02/2023


Science in Islam is based on religious data, based on the proof of the Creator of this universe, which made Muslims distinct from Western thought in general, where Western thought in the emergence of the universe is based on unfounded hypotheses and conjectures, and was not built on sound scientific foundations.
In the modern era, many of these hypotheses have been woven, such as saying the eternity of the universe, and its multiplicity, and the idea of creation by chance and randomness has spread, and many hypotheses attributed - Bahtana - to science.
The idea of chance and randomness in the emergence of life has relied on materialistic thought, which disrupts faith in God Almighty, and attributes creation to speculative data, as opposed to scientific legal data that are based on correct science, which confirms the statement that there is a creator of this universe.
One of the most prominent signs of the reversal of chance and randomness: the fine tuning of this universe, and the many and great evidence in it.
The study was entitled: 'The hypothesis of chance in the genesis of the universe View and veto', which consists of an introduction, and two sections.
The first section talked about the concept of atheistic materialism, and its images, as between the concept of chance, and its pillars, while the second section talked about the reversal of the statement by chance and randomness through fine tuning and intelligent design, and scientific evidence.


Coincidence, tuning, universe.

How to Cite 

Hamouda, A. (2023), The hypothesis of chance in the genesis of the universe View and veto, Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Sharia'h Sciences and Islamic Studies, Issue.93. pp. 82-97


