Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

The relationship teased between the science of the principles of jurisprudence Usul al-Fiqh and principles of interpretation Usul al-Tafsir

- 2023/09/19

Morhaf Abduljabbar Sakka
Associate Professor of Exegesis and Sciences of the Qur'an, Department of Islamic Studies, College of Education, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia
Issue 93 Pages: 1-18 | June 2023 | | PDF
Received: 15/12/2022 | Revised:11/01/2023 | Accepted:08/02/2023


This research to include a statement of the link between the science of the origins of interpretation and the science of the origins of jurisprudence through three sections that were the subject of extracting the sources of the relationship between them. On one hand based on terms of a scientific title of the origins of jurisprudence and origins of interpretation. Then through the point of view of the concept and scientific purposes of origins of jurisprudence and origins of interpretation. The last one  through the point of view of the scientific construction of the origins of jurisprudence and origins of interpretation. In the introduction we started with the origins of jurisprudence before the origins of interpretation do to the precedence of the science of jurisprudence in blogging over the origins of interpretation.

The aim of the research was to answer a basic question: What is the relationship between origins of jurisprudence 'Usul al-Fiqh' and origins of interpretation 'Usul al-Tafsir'? The answer was according to the aforementioned investigations. By knowing this relationship, the science of the origins of interpretation may be liberated in its subjects and topics. The method used in the research was the inductive-analytical method, including  the descriptive method. One of the most prominent results of this research was that the emergence of the science of origins of interpretation was consistent with the emergence of origins of jurisprudence. Another important result is that the relationship between the science of the origins of jurisprudence and the science of the origins of interpretation is not a part relationship with each of all sides. But, on the fact, that the Qur’an is the first guide studied by the origins of jurisprudence. As for the investigations, objectives, and topics, the science of origins of interpretation is broader and more general than the science of origins of jurisprudence.


Principles of jurisprudence 'Usul al-Fiqh', principles of interpretation 'Usul al-Tafsir', relationship, aspects, similarities.

How to Cite 

Sakka, M. (2023), The relationship teased between the science of the principles of jurisprudence 'Usul al-Fiqh' and principles of interpretation 'Usul al-Tafsir', Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Sharia'h Sciences and Islamic Studies. Issue.93. pp.  1-18.


