Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Legalization of Conciliation in Blood Money for Premeditated Murder

- 2023/04/04

Ahmed bin Yahya Al-Zahrani
Assistant Professor - Comparative Jurisprudence - Department of Sharia Sciences - Human Studies - King Fahd Security College, Saudi Arabia
Issue 92 Pages:207-220 | March 2023 | | PDF
Received: 02/09/2022 | Revised:21/11/2022 | Accepted:14/12/2022 | Online: 30 March 2023


Study subject: Legalization of conciliation in blood money for premeditated murder.

The objectives of the study: clarifying the legal ruling on the issue of restricting what is permissible and presenting the sayings of the jurists on the amount of compromise in the blood money for premeditated murder, the legality of legalizing this compromise by the guardian, and the implications of this matter.

Results of the study: This study concluded that the ruler’s authority allows him to restrict what is permissible, but this restriction is dependent on interest, including the issue of reconciliation in blood money. on its release; Whenever there is an interest in legalizing this arrangement, it must be taken into consideration, and this was evident by reviewing a number of effects arranged on the release of the permissibility of conciliation in the blood money for premeditated murder, and the exaggerations seen in our contemporary reality, which authorize the guardian of the legitimacy of codifying this conciliation with what he sees of controls and regulations check the public interest.

Recommendations: This study recommends that there be committees formed from the relevant authorities with the issue of premeditated murder. To make a proposed law setting the mechanism of conciliation in premeditated murder, specifying the amount and ceiling of this conciliation, and specifying the parties through which these funds can be collected and disposing of them.


Legalization, reconciliation, permissible, blood money, premeditated murder.


How to Cite 

Al-Zahrani, A. (2023), Legalization of Conciliation in Blood Money for Premeditated Murder, Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Sharia'h Sciences and Islamic Studies, Issue.92. pp.207-220.


