Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

The position of the Twelver Shiite currents on the doctrine of the expected Mahdi

- 2023/04/04

May Saleh Al Sharar
Doctorate in Faith and Contemporary Doctrines, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
Issue 92 Pages:127-144 | March 2023 | | PDF
Received: 01/11/2022 | Revised:27/12/2022 | Accepted:02/01/2023 | Online: 30 March 2023


The Twelver Shi'ite space has recently witnessed contradictory theses and theories about the doctrine of the absent Imam - the Awaited Mahdi - so this research was a study of these theses and a liberation of the differences between them. In this research, I relied on the inductive method, so I followed up on it the views of Imami scholars and thinkers on the doctrine of the Awaited Mahdi. Also, I concluded in this research the following: that the doctrine of the absent Imam - the awaited Mahdi - was invented to complete the image of the Twelver Imami creed, and help it to hold together in the face of the challenge imposed by the death of the Eleventh Imam, Hasan al-Askari, without an apparent consequence. Whereas, one of the most important results of saying this doctrine was the cracking of the Shi'ite ranks, the weakening of faith in the souls, the deepening of confusion and doubt about its existence, which necessitated the creation of books from their symbols urging followers to be steadfast, and heralding them with the imminent appearance of Awaited Mahdi, fearing them of the consequences of unbelief and denial. Despite all these efforts, the Twelver Reformist current proved the invalidity and corruption of the doctrine of Mahdism and backbiting - saying that there is an infallible absent imam - rationally and transmission. Among the recommendations of the research: Continuing dialogue with Shi'ites in the world, whether common people, scholars or intellectuals; Because this dialogue has important and great results. For those who follow the refutation of the reformist movements and their critique of the Imami creedal inheritance, it will become clear to see the impact of this refutation and these challenges by the criticism of the Sunnis on those beliefs.


The Awaited Mahdi, the Shi'ites, the Twelvers.


How to Cite 

Al-Sharar, M. (2023), The position of the Twelver Shiite currents on the doctrine of the expected Mahdi, Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Sharia'h Sciences and Islamic Studies, Issue.92. pp.127-144.


